![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
3-36. Bar Code Utilization.
c. Classified, principal, sensitive, and controlled
The use of bar code technology in physical inventory
items of supply will be considered separate lots. A
and location survey operations provides the following
complete inventory of these lots will be accomplished
once each year or more frequently if desired by the
a. Source data electronically downloaded from the
installation commander or accountable property officer.
host computer to a hand-held bar code reading device
Reasons for this are as follows:
eliminates the requirement to produce cards and
(1) Classified items require special protection
listings. The portable bar code reading device serves as
because of their security designation and, therefore,
both a prompt to the operator and a storage device for
should be given special treatment to ensure that each of
data taken from the location site. Bar coded labels on
these items is accounted for and our national interest is
locations and key entry on the portable scanner provide
the means of capturing survey data.
(2) Principal
b. Bar coding technology can be economically
importance, high monetary value, unusual complexity of
integrated into existing physical inventory and location
issue, and often involve procurement difficulties;
survey procedures. Bar coded information on locations
therefore, these items should also be given special
can be scanned with a contact or noncontact scanner
(3) Sensitive items have a ready sale in illicit
c. The cost per transaction and processing time
markets and are especially likely to be pilfered. A
decrease, while accuracy increases.
periodic inventory of each of these items is essential for
their protection and to discourage pilferage attempts.
3-37. Physical Inventory Guidelines.
(4) Controlled items of supply are closely
The following key elements emphasize proper inventory
supervised because of their basic cost, operational
essentiality, complexity, or stock position and should
a. Adequate training is a prerequisite of efficient
also be given special attention.
inventory control operations.
d. An important point to keep in mind when
(1) DOD educational centers offer many
performing inventories and reconciliations that
specialized courses of instruction in inventory control,
inventories are normally conducted on an open
statistical sampling, and quality control. Such courses
"business as usual" concept.
of instruction will provide personnel with a high degree
(1) We can have documentation and material
of skill.
"in-float." Both these situations must be considered
(2) In addition to formalized off-post training,
when counts and recorded balances do not agree.
each individual assigned to inventory activities should
(2) We must understand that, through normal
be given adequate on-the-job training to include the
receipt and issue transactions, counts may vary from
balances and require recounting. Actions such as these
Preparation of documentation.
are considered as "in-float" documents and should be
Identification of items.
reviewed carefully prior to submitting final inventory
Difficulties involved in counting at each type of
e. A survey conducted prior to an inventory, to
determine and correct deficiencies, is an important
Safety requirements.
phase of inventory preparation. During this period,
Security considerations.
every effort should be made to ensure that conditions
(3) These training suggestions, if effectively
detrimental to the count are detected and eliminated.
organized, should result in each individual being fully
We know that normal warehouse activities tend to
qualified for this particular assignment.
disrupt the orderly placement of stocks, identification
placards, and containers on pallets, in pallet racks, or in
system has a potential adverse effect on inventory
bins. If left uncorrected, these and other warehousing
actions. The ideal attack on this problem would be to
irregularities could seriously deter satisfactory
eliminate the introduction of errors. But with thousands
completion of the inventory. A preliminary survey which
of transaction entries made each day, it is impossible to
includes all facets of storage and warehousing methods
prevent error introduction in total. So we do the next
that may interfere with inventory is a recommended pre-
best thing-we try to minimize error introduction and
inventory action. Let us not compromise the
contain error growth.
Quality control actions are
designed to do this as are the location survey
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