![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
personal possession and are, therefore, especially
a. Number of items involved.
subject to pilferage.
b. Number of locations involved.
c. DODI 4140.35, Physical Inventory Control for
c. Manpower requirements.
DOD Supply System Material, is the basic document
d. Anticipated productivity.
DOD Components use to implement DOD inventory
e. Scheduling to obtain maximum efficiency and
d. DODI 4140.35 sets forth a minimum acceptable
f: Preparation of material in storage to facilitate
accuracy level for sample inventories below which a 100
inventory counting.
percent inventory must be taken.
Components may establish a more stringent accuracy
3-34. Inventory Training.
level if deemed necessary. Only major discrepancies
With the planning factors established, actual steps to
(see glossary of terms) are used to compute accuracy.
accomplish the inventory should be outlined. Each
DOD 4140.22-M, Military Standard Transaction
individual participating in the inventory should be given
Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP),
a specific assignment.
Prior to starting inventory
provides direction for the statistical conduct and
actions, necessary training for all personnel involved,
reporting of results.
both military and civilian, should be completed.
e. DOD Component activities submit a quarterly
Required training should be conducted through
Report of Inventory Control Effectiveness (RCS DD-I&L
coordination of all organizational elements concerned.
(Q) 935) to the next higher headquarters. This report is
Suggested points for emphasis in the conduct of this
used to assess inventory performance.
training area.
a. Purpose of inventory.
3-32. Principles of Inventory Control.
b. Familiarization with the inventory organization
Physical inventory procedures must provide positive
and each participant's part therein.
control of "infloat" material and documentation. This
c. Importance of attaining the highest degree of
control will include material release orders, receipts,
adjustments, and catalog data changes.
agreeable cutoff dates must be established between
d. A thorough orientation in
storage and accountable activities for inventory actions
(1) Recognition and recording of correct stock
that must be identifiable to ensure proper consideration
number, nomenclature, and unit of measure.
in balance reconciliations. Effective inventory control
(2) Item identification.
must also include the following:
(3) Condition
a. Establishment of a physical inventory control
serviceable, unserviceable, or other appropriate
organization to encompass all related inventory
(4) Counting techniques.
b. Establishment of training programs to develop
(5) Recognition of improper or unsafe
optimum capability for the conduct of inventory.
material storage practices.
c. Establishment and maintenance of accurate
stock location records (see sec III of this chap).
3-35. Preparation of Material for Inventory.
d. Accomplishment of all directed physical
Every effort should be made to arrange and maintain
stored material in the best possible manner through
e. Adequate control over any movement of
application of proper storage practices. Prior to taking
material undergoing inventory.
an inventory, stocks should be-
f. Accomplishment of required research prior to
a. Properly identified and clearly marked.
processing adjustment actions.
b. Identified as a "Do Not Inventory" item, when
g. Isolation of causes of potential and actual
these items are not to be included in the inventory
discrepancies. Initiation of corrective action to prevent
c. Stored in the minimum number of separate
locations commensurate with proper storage practices.
3-33. Inventory Planning.
d. Stored uniformly with respect to quantity per
Each physical inventory must be planned, taking into
container and containers per pallet.
consideration the following:
e. Clearly highlighted to show where conditions
other than those in d above exist.
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