![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
3-43. Guidelines for Systematic Inspection of
b. Where the stocks of one DOD Component are
Material in Storage.
stored in a facility of another DOD Component, the
a. Cyclic inspection. Inspection of material in
Component operating the facility is responsible for
storage is an extremely important step in the evaluation
accomplishing the care of supplies in the manner
of material quality. Its purpose and objectives are
established by the owning Service or agency or in
directly related to a COSIS program.
In many
accordance with existing cross-service agreements.
instances, long periods of time elapse from the time of
receipt of material by the storage activity until ultimate
3-42. Basic COSIS Program Actions.
issue/shipment to the user. During this interim period,
a. Performance of scheduled inspection actions on
stored material must be systematically inspected to
material in storage.
detect condition, degradation, corrosion, damage, and
b. Performance of required exercising actions.
other deficiencies caused by improper storage methods,
c. Proper identification of items.
extended periods of storage, or by the inherent
d. Determination of adequacy of storage
deterioration characteristics of the material. Minor
environment, preservation, packing, and marking.
deficiencies must be detected before they become of
major significance, thus providing for corrective actions
e. Accurate determination of item condition and
before the material becomes unserviceable or unusable.
posting of this condition to record.
In this regard, a program of cyclic inspection identifies
those stocks which require corrective preservation and
adversely affect the end use of required items.
packing to assure that material is maintained in a
serviceable condition and identifies those assets which
condition for issue.
require condition reclassification to a lesser degree of
h. Detection of fungi, mildew, spoilage, insect
infestation, and/or rodent, or other pest damage to
b. Effective and efficient execution of the cyclic
stocks; prescription or administration of treatment; and
inspection system requirements. This will assure that
determination that adequate preventive and corrective
(1) Stored material is inspected at intervals
measures are taken (see sec D, this chap).
indicated by the assigned shelf-life code, inspection
i. Inspection of shelf-life items and assignment of
frequency code, or type of storage afforded the material.
condition codes in accordance with DODI 4140.27,
(2) Quantitative data generated by the cyclic
Identification, Control, and Utilization of Shelf-Life
summarized, and furnished periodically to management
Note. The term shelf-life does not
to assist in the elimination of causes for deficiencies.
apply to class V items.
c. DD Form 1225 (Storage Quality Control Report).
This Form will be used for recording visual and
j. Assuring that all applicable elements are
dimensional inspection results, unless a specialized
informed of any unsatisfactory conditions found to exist
report is required or the military services have
in stocks; the reasons therefore; corrective actions
prescribed a detailed form for this purpose. When
required and taken; any pertinent data which can be
testing is required, DD Form 1222 (Request for and
used to improve the item and its care; and the
Results of Tests) will be used by the requesting and
packaging and/or storage environment considered to be
testing facility, as appropriate, for initiation of the form
best suited for its continued storage.
and recording test results. DD Form 1225 will be used
k. Recommending to the applicable DOD
to report inspection results unless a summary report,
Component, basic changes in serviceability standards or
satisfactory for the purpose, has been established. For
adaptations to local conditions such as storage
certain supplies such as subsistence, the requirement
environment or availability of specialized testing
for reporting voluminous quality data makes it essential
capacity not normally found in storage installations. For
that a summary report be used. When a summary
example, quality analysis may indicate the need for
report is used, DD Form 1225 will be used only for
adjusting the frequency of inspection, changing the
reporting quality deficiencies. When DD Forms 1222
preservation procedures, or for revision of Acceptable
Quality Levels or defect classifications.
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