![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 2-27. Storage of Stocks by Popularity
foods, drugs, etc., must be kept in refrigerated areas or
d. Item quantity. Quantity of material on hand
in temperature-controlled areas. For all items of a
affects the amount of space required on the layout.
perishable or deteriorative nature, the most suitable
Frequently, it is desirable to increase the amount of
storage environment must be made available (see sec
space assigned to an item in a single location in order to
IV, chap 5).
eliminate the need for two locations. This may reduce
effort and travel in replenishment actions for binnable
f. Aisles. Preplanning of aisle positioning on
items and reduce administrative effort required for
layouts must be done prior to placement of materials.
maintenance of the location record system.
Allowing the aisle layout to take shape as materials are
placed in stock may result in placing materials in
e. Item characteristics. The characteristics of most
inaccessible locations and/or in loss of space.
items of supply are such that special storage areas are
not required. However, some items require special
(1) Aisle layout is determined by the structure
considerations. They include hazardous, sensitive, and
of the warehouse; quantity, nature, and activity of
perishable and deteriorative items.
materials to be stored; and by the types and capacity of
available MHE.
(1) Hazardous.
These materials have
characteristics which require that they be specially
(2) Aisles should only be wide enough to
stored or handled to prevent a hazard to personnel and
provide maneuvering room for MHE available for the
facilities. This factor must be kept in mind when
stock storage and selection actions. For aisle widths
planning storage layouts (see TM 38-410) or
required for forklift truck operation, see paragraph I
service/agency publication, as applicable.
(2) Sensitive. Sensitive materials require a
(3) Width of aisles in bin and shelving areas
high degree of protection and control due to statutory
should permit easy movement of stock selector trucks
requirements or regulations. Included in this category
through the storage area. Generally, this requires an
are items such as narcotics and drug abuse items;
aisle of 30 to 36 inches in width.
precious metals; high-value items; highly-technical
(4) Aisles should be planned to provide
items; items of a hazardous nature; and small arms,
straight and clear passageways unobstructed by support
ammunition, explosives, and demolition material (see
columns, elevators, heaters, or other such construction
sec VIII, chap 3).
features. A particularly important factor is the location
(3) Perishable and deteriorative.
of columns. Space loss due to columns will be reduced
materials have a limited storage life and care must be
if columns are used as aisle and bay boundaries.
taken to ensure that the oldest stock or that which may
(5) There are three major types of aisles:
have an earlier expiration date is issued first. Many
working, personnel, and service.
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