![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
inspection, or for protective processing.
(a) Working Aisles. Working aisles are
requirements for service aisles are very limited.
passageways used to access storage locations during
Efficient warehousing operations require that each
the receipt, inspection, and issue processes. Working
storage row contain only one item with the same number
aisles are of two types, transportation aisles which run
of containers per pallet. This facilitates inventory as
the length of the building and cross aisles which run
well as issue and normally makes special aisles
across the width of the building.
unnecessary. However, such aisles may be necessary
1 The working aisle widths
for special commodities (e.g., subsistence, etc.) which
specified herein are not to be construed as the absolute
require frequent inspections.
limitation for all operations.
They represent the
(6) Every block of material should be
dimensions under which most operations may be
adjacent to a working aisle and stored so that stock can
conducted. Aisle widths must be established to ensure
be removed without the necessity of moving another
complete consonance between operational efficiency
item. The simplest means of providing accessibility is to
and space economy. The aisle widths specified below
create a large number of aisles and short rows, but this
are based upon a load of 40 inches on electric vehicles.
practice is inconsistent with the principle of minimizing
Sit-down counterbalanced rider ....
12 feet 0 inches
the number of aisles. The best rule to follow is to be
(4 wheel) truck.
certain that materials are stored on both sides of and
Stand up counterbalanced ............
(3 10 feet 0 inches
facing the working aisles. Pallet racks, placed parallel
wheel) truck.
to the long dimension of the building, in side-to-back
Reach truck...................................
8 feet 0 inches
storage with a bulk stock, permit the use of
Deep reach truck ...........................
8 feet 6 inches
transportation aisles to provide accessibility to small lot
Swing reach truck..........................
5 feet 6 inches to
6 feet 0 inches
(7) Since a mix of material may contain a
Turret truck ...................................
5 feet 6 inches to
wide variety of lot sizes, various bay depths must be
6 feet 0 inches
provided. For example, if a single column of pallet
Aisles widths for different load lengths will be
loads is placed in a bay which has a capacity of five
determined on the basis that a variation of 8 inches in
such columns, space for four columns is lost. The
the load length will have a corresponding variation of 6
availability of a variety of bay sizes is affected by aisle
inches in the aisle width. For example, a 48-inch load
layout and the direction of storage. When the best
length will increase the aisle widths indicated above by 6
conceived plan for direction of storage fails to produce a
inches. Determination of aisle width is affected by
sufficient number of small bays for the class of material
turning radius of MHE to be used.
handled, the number of working aisles must be
2 In most storage layouts, the
volume of activity requires two transportation aisles of
g. Working areas. Working areas are nonstorage
efficient layout. Such aisles run the length of the
space (other than aisles) in which operations incident to
building and should be wide enough to permit two-way
storage or materials handling are performed. Working
traffic of MHE being utilized in that particular area.
areas include receiving and shipping bays, packing floor
space, strapping lines, battery charging stations, offices,
3 At least two cross aisles are
and locker rooms. Such spaces reduce storage areas
needed in the standard warehouse section. Such cross
and, therefore, should be held to the minimum.
aisles should be in accordance with the aisle
(1) Working areas are normally located in
requirements outlined in paragraph 1 above. The bulk
those portions of a warehouse which have the lowest
of storage operations will be carried on in cross aisles.
ceilings. Usually, areas which serve all personnel in a
(b) Personnel aisles. Personnel aisles
building (e.g., offices, locker rooms, etc.) are located in
are those used as pedestrian routes only and may be
the center section of the building against a side wall.
required for access to door or to special interior areas.
This precludes entering personnel from walking through
Such aisles should be held to a minimum. If traffic
the storage areas and interrupting work. Working areas
volume does not create a safety hazard to personnel,
are located so as to minimize to total time required for
working aisles can/should double as personnel aisles.
travel of personnel and equipment between storage
locations and working areas.
(c) Service aisles. Service aisles are
those which provide access to stacks for inventory,
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