![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
storage areas. In applying the formula to open storage
areas, consideration need not be given to such facility
Section III. Determination of Storage Space Requirements (DOSSR) Method
This section will be published at a later date.
Section IV. Planning the Storage Layout
2-8. Introduction.
practicable. This facilitates storage and issue and also
contributes to effective care of supplies. There is
a. A storage area floor plan layout is an excellent
normally no requirement that material will be segregated
management tool for space control. It enables planning
and stored by an inventory manager.
for the effective use of space. The layout is the
framework in which the overall depot storage space is
b. Item popularity. Activity or popularity is an
developed. It serves as the basis for developing the
important factor in planning the storage layout for
storage area planographs. The layout is also the basis
material. The fastest moving bulk stocks should be
for preparation of the storage space status report (see
planned for storage in areas that are quickly and easily
accessible to reduce travel of MHE and stock selection
storing ammunition will be developed as prescribed by
Loose issue areas should be located
the responsible military service.
adjacent to packing and processing areas. Fast moving
bin stocks should be easily accessible to expedite stock
b. Using the principles of space requirements
selection and replenishment actions. To the extent
determinations outlined in section II, this chapter, and
feasible, items with the slowest turnover rate should be
the DOSSR study method discussed in section III, this
planned for placement in areas progressively farther
chapter, effective storage layouts can be developed.
from active stock or processing areas. The principle of
c. A complete and current floor plan shows the
location by popularity is shown in figure 2-27.
actual manner in which the gross space within a storage
c. Item size and weight. The dimensions and
area is used. The plan shows the division of space into
weight of individual items affect not only the amount of
storage, receiving, shipping areas, main and cross
storage space allotted, but also the location in which
aisles, fire aisles, and offices. Each section or other
items are to be stored. For example, a 5-ton dynamo
subdivision of the floor plan will show the square footage
would be stored in a location that would provide a
of gross space, the nonstorage space, and the net space
balance between accessibility to required MHE and the
available for storage.
least amount of intradepot transport. Normally, except
2-9. Factors Influencing Layout Plan.
for those items requiring overhead cranes for handling,
a. Item similarity. Items with similar handling
the greater the item density the less overhead clearance
requirements should be stored together when
or ceiling height required.
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