![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
the minimum consistent with good operating practices.
Considerations in computation of space requirements
for storage support activities (see fig 2-26) are as
Figure 2-26. Factors of Consideration in Computing Storage Support Space Requirements
should be given to possible mission changes which
(1) The requirements for space for storage
would alter requirements. Such acknowledgement will
support functions are greatly influenced by the mission
enhance the accuracy of projected allocations as
responsibilities of the particular activity. For example,
compared to actual proved need.
tonnage handled or net storage space operated need
not necessarily have an absolute bearing on the amount
g. Gross space requirements.
of space allocated to preservation and packing.
(1) The formula for computing gross space
Detailed evaluation of the particular operating
requirements is-
circumstances would, therefore, be necessary before
N + A + SS + S = G
accurate computation could be accomplished.
(2) It would be impractical to establish firm
ratios of space allotted for storage purposes on the basis
N = NET SQUARE FEET of space allocated to
of personnel employed or gross area operated.
However, storage management personnel should
A = Space allocated to AISLES,
frequently appraise actual support requirements to
SS = Space consigned to STORAGE SUPPORT
assure that valuable space is not allocated to these
functions in excess of minimum requirements.
S = STRUCTURAL loss space, and
(3) Computation of space requirements for
G = GROSS storage area.
support functions should be developed, in great part,
(2) This formula applies to determining gross
through review of both past and current requirement
storage space requirements in covered and open
experience. When projecting future needs, consideration
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