![]() 2. In a telescope, power is the number of
times the instrument megnifies the object viewed. For
example, with a 6-power instrument, an object 600 yards
away is enlarged six times or it appears as it would to the
naked eye if it were at a distance of only 100 yards.
Presbyopia - A defect of vision due to advancing
age, "oldsightedness". The crystalline lens no longer is
capable of accommodating for nearby objects and these
objects cannot be seen distinctly. It is corrected by the
use of convex lenses.
Principal axis - A straight line about which an optical
element or system is symmetrical. A straight line
connecting the centers of curvature of the two refracting
surfaces of a double convex lens. In a mechanical
sense, a line joining the centers of the two surfaces of a
lens as it is placed in the mount.
Principal focal plane - Plane perpendicular to the
axis through the point of principal focus (figs 2-44 and
Principal focal point - See point of principal focus.
Principal focus - See point of principal focus.
Figure B-24. Porro prism .
Prism - A transparent body with at least two polished
plane faces inclined toward each other from which light is
Porro prisms erecting system A prism erecting
reflected or through which light is refracted. When light
system, designed by M. Porro, in which there are four
is refracted by a prism, it is deviated or bent toward the
reflections to completely erect the image. Two Porro
thicker part of the prism (fig B-25). See Abbe prism
prisms are employed (fig 4-9). The line of sight is bent
erecting system, Amici prism, coincidence prism, Dove
through 3600, is displaced, but is not deviated.
prism, objective prism, Pechan prism, pentaprism, Porro
Positive lens - See converging lens.
prism, rhomboidal prism, right-angle prism, and triple
Power -
1. In a prism or a lens, power is a measure of
ability to bend or refract light. It is usually measured in
diopters. See diopter and prism diopter.
Figure B-25. Prism .
Prism diopter A unit of measure of the refracting
mounting of the prism erecting system in the body of the
power of a prism. One diopter is the power of a prism to
Prismatic - Pertaining to a prism or the effects
deviate a ray of light by one centimeter at a distance of
produced by prisms.
one meter from the prism.
Prism erecting system - See erecting system.
Probable error - An allowance based on average
Prism offset - The term applied to certain telescopes
errors made by a large group of range finder
having a characteristic offset due to the
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