![]() TM 9-258
impression registered upon the retina and the optic nerve
baseline of the range finder forms the base of a triangle
remaining for about 1/15 second after the stimulus has
and its apex is the target (fig. 8-28). Corresponds to the
been removed.
Perspective - Appearance in terms of distance.
Parallax - Any apparent displacement of an object
Example, railroad tracks which appear to converge as
due to the observer's change of position such as in A,
they are seen receding in the distance. Appearance in
relief, in three dimensions.
Phosphorescence - The glowing or giving off of light
number 4, or pole 7 positioned opposite the mountain, if
he changes his position. This illusion of a relative
without sensible heat; the property to shine in the dark
displacement of the poles with respect to the mountain is
due to emission of light caused by chemical reaction, as
a deception, inasmuch as neither the poles nor the
Photon - A quantum (elemental unit) of radiant
mountain actually move.
Optically, parallax in a
telescope with a reticle is any apparent movement of the
reticle in relation to distant objects in the field of view
Plane - A surface which has no curvature; a perfectly
caused by movement of the head of the observer. This
flat surface.
condition exists when the image in the telescope lies in
Planoconcave lens - A lens with one surface plane;
one focal plane and the reticle lies in another
the other concave.
(B, fig 2-72).
Planoconvex lens - A lens with one surface plane;
Paraxial pencil - A narrow group of light rays along
the other convex.
the axis.
Plumbline - A vertical line. When used for adjusting
Paraxial ray - Any ray parallel to the axial ray in a
instruments, it is a weight (plumb bob) hanging on a
pencil of light. A ray in the immediate neighborhood of
the optical axis of a lens or mirror or close to its center.
Plus lens- A converging (convex) lens.
Patina - A film. Surface mellowing or softening. A
Point of fixation - The object on which the optical
film or oxide formed on copper and bronze.
instrument is focused; an object on which the observer's
Pechan or Z-Rotating prism - Used as a rotating
eye is concentrated.
prism. It is used to invert the image in one plane without
Point of principal focus - The point to which parallel
deviating or displacing the axis of the rays of light. Used
rays of light converge or from which they diverge when
as the rotating prism in the conventional type of optical
they have been acted upon by a lens or mirror (figs 2-19,
system of panoramic telescopes (B, fig 4-13).
2-44, and 2-46). A lens has two points of principal focus,
Pencil of light - A narrow group of light rays coming
one on each side of the lens. A lens has many focal
from a point source or converging toward a point. A
points depending upon the distance of the object from
pinhole opening produces a pencil of rays.
the lens (fig 2-47).
Pentaprism - A five-sided prism used to bend light
Polarized light - In optics, the light which vibrates in
through a constant angle, usually 90 degrees, without
one direction only (in a single plane).
producing inversion or reversion if reflection takes place
Plane of polarization is the plane in which the polarized
in the vertical or horizontal plane (fig.4-14).
light vibrates. Light is polarized by natural materials
Peripheral - On the circumference.
Near the
(Iceland spar) or a manufactured product known as
boundary or edge of the field of an optical system; the
"Polaroid" or when being reflected, at a glancing angle
outer fringe.
from a smooth surface.
Periscope - An optical instrument designed to
Polarizing filter - A light ray filter which polarizes the
displace the line of sight in a vertical direction usually
light passing through an instrument.
upwards. Used to permit observation over the top of a
Porro prism - One of two identical prisms (fig B-24)
fortification, a barricade, or out of a tank (fig 8-19).
used in the Porro prism erecting system (fig 4-9). It is a
Persistence of vision - The mental effect of an
right angle prism with the corners rounded to minimize
breakage and simplify assembly. See porro prism
erecting system (fig 4-9).
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