![]() TM 9-258
Figure 8-13. Panoramic telescope (towed Howitzer) - assembled view, optical elements, and optical diagram.
double-convex eyelens.
A reticle with appropriate
Panoramic Telescope (Towed Howitzer).
pattern for the type of materiel used is mounted in the
a. The panoramic telescope illustrated in figure
focal plane of the objective between the Amici prism and
the eyepiece. The model designation of the telescope
mount primarily to point a gun or howitzer in azimuth for
indicates the reticle pattern. The reticle is illuminated by
indirect fire and may also be used for direct fire. It has a
a lighting system for night use. An open sight on the side
magnification of 4 power and a field of view of 10. An
of the rotating head enables the observer speedily to pick
azimuth scale and micrometer are provided for setting
up the designated target.
deflections. A throwout lever permits rapid traversing
without the use of the azimuth knob. The 900 objective
8-12. Panoramic
prism in the head of the telescope may be rotated in
elevation a limited amount, if necessary, to bring the
aiming point into the field of view.
a. The panoramic telescope illustrated in figure
b. The erecting system is comprised of an
objective prism, rotating Dove prism, and Amici prism
azimuth and is mounted directly on the telescope mount.
It is a 4 power, fixed-focus telescope with a 170 mil field
rotating head protects the optical system from dirt, dust,
of view. It is equipped with a mechanical counter device
and other foreign matter; it particularly protects the
and a gunner's aid counter is integral with the instrument.
objective prism from scratches and breakage.
Included also is a reset counter which can be set to show
compound objective is mounted between the rotating
a reading 3,200 mils when the telescope is alined with
prism and the Amici prism. The eyepiece is of the
the aiming stakes and the weapon is parallel to the base
Kellner type with an achromatized doublet field lens and
line. A gunner's aid counter mechanism, which permits
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