![]() TM 9-258
Controls for laying the howitzer on line-of-sight targets
thereby erecting the reticles with the aid of an illuminated
are the same as those utilized for indirect fire, since the
cross-level. The howitzer is then elevated and the target
telescope and mounts are bolted to the howitzer mount.
alined to the proper range mark on the reticle. It is a 4
Correction for cant is achieved by rotating the telescope
power elbow-type instrument with a field of view of 10.
within its mount and
Figure 8-12. Elbow telescope ( Self Propelled Howitzer)- assembled view.
raising or lowering of the line of sight to any required
8-10. General.
angle. By the combination of these motions, the line of
a. The panoramic telescope is a type of fire-
sight can be directed on any aiming point.
control instrument employed to aim a gun or howitzer in
c. The different types and models of panoramic
azimuth. It is used in conjunction with a telescope mount
telescopes are of the same basic design. They differ in
to which it is assembled. The telescope mount travels
the components of their optical systems, the angle at
in azimuth with the weapon, carrying the line of sight of
which the eyepiece is mounted with relation to the upright
the telescope: The telescope provides the mechanisms
body of the instrument, the indexing of the scales,
for setting the azimuth angle while other associated
provisions for setting in deflection, method of mounting,
equipment supplies the elevation angle of site (vertical,
reticle patterns, manner of adjustment, lighting, and other
details. A number of these differences are determined by
b. The characteristic feature of the panoramic
the characteristics of the materiel with which the
telescope is that it maintains an upright image regardless
instrument is used.
of whether the line of sight is directed forward, to the
d. An objective prism, a rotating Dove prism,
side, or to the rear of the observer (para 4-7d (4) and
and an Amici prism (fig 8-13) comprise the erecting
(5)). The upper or rotating head of the instrument and
the line of sight may be rotated 360 or through any
system of the great majority of panoramic telescopes. A
Pechan erecting prism assembly may be used in place of
desired angle in the horizontal plane without requiring the
the rotating Dove prism.
observer to change his position. The mount provides for
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