![]() TM 9-258
b. The tube emits a reddish-orange neon glow
back and forth along the gas column establishing a
continuous lasing action.
because the electric discharge causes countless
d. The electric discharge continuously pumps
collisions among the gas atoms that excite them to high
the neon gas atoms to higher energy states, and, at the
energy states; the atoms randomly fall back to their
same time, light waves bouncing between the mirrors
normal energy state, and, in so doing, emit a bundle of
stimulate the excited atoms into emitting their packets of
light energy photons. In a conventional neon sign, these
light energy. As a result, a steady stream of coherent,
up and down energy shifts take place at random within
monochromatic light is generated within the column. The
the glowing gas column.
c. The mixture of gases in the laser tube has
laser tube's front mirror is designed to be partially
transmitting, i.e., it is designed to reflect 99% of the light
been carefully selected so that more neon atoms are in
that hits it, and allow the other 1% to pass through. This
high energy states than in low energy states when the
small portion of the laser light generated within the tube
discharge occurs; it is the neon gas that is responsible
passes through the front mirror as a narrow light beam;
for lasing. That is, as the discharge excites the helium
its wavelength is 633 nm, and it is deep red in color.
atoms, they collide with the neon atoms and transfer
energy to the neon atoms. This transfer of energy to the
Solid State Rod Lasers.
neon atoms raises their energy state.
a. A ruby rod solid state laser consists of an
emission of photons can now take place within the
elementary light emmitter or generator that is illuminated
column of glowing gas. This occurs when an excited
by a high-intensity light (A, fig 6-2). The high-intensity
neon atom drops to a lower energy level and emits a light
light, such as that from a photoflash lamp, makes the rod
wave. As the light wave speeds past other excited
fluoresce with a pink color. The fluorescence persists as
atoms, it stimulates them to emit their photons. This
long as the photoflash light persists. This effect is not a
process of amplification continues, since one photon
laser radiation, but just another optical characteristic of
entering the column of gas at one end causes other
the emitter. The ruby rod produces a characteristic pink
photons to be emitted. The reflecting mirrors at the front
color because it is made of aluminum oxide (sapphire)
and the rear of the glass tube cause any light waves
containing 0.05 % chromium.
emitted in the direction of the tube to bounce
Figure 6-2. Solid-state rod lasers.
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