![]() TM 9-258
designed to measure angular distance between two
5-17. Definition.
Terrestrial telescopes having a
points (stadia lines in a transit or grid lines in a military
reticle in a focal plane in the optical system are
sight). As it is in the same focal plane as a real image, it
commonly known as telescopic sights or military
appears superimposed on the target and can be viewed
Such a reticle can be placed in an
by the eye with the same accommodation required for
astronomical telescope, as in the collimating telescope,
viewing the target or field.
but a telescopic sight is universally considered to be an
b. Location. In an optical system employing a
instrument having an erecting system.
lens erecting system, there are two possible reticle
5-18. Advantages.
locations (fig 5-23). It may be placed either in the image
advantageous in that it permits the viewing of reticle and
plane of the objective or at the focal point of the eyepiece
target in the same optical plane and does not require
(image plane of errectors). If the erecting system
precise alinement of the eye with respect to the line of
increases the magnification and the reticle is in the
sight. Alinement of the eye need be only within the exit
image plane of the objective, the reticle lines will appear
pupil diameter. In comparison, open rifle sights require
wider on the target than if placed at the focal point of the
the eye to attempt an actual impossibility; the focusing
eyepiece. For this reason, the reticle in a low-power rifle
simultaneously on rear sight, front sight, and target. The
scope usually is placed in front of the erectors and in
eye, furthermore, must be in perfect alinement with all
high-power target-type rifle scopes, it is at the focal point
of the eyepiece. With a lens erecting system, the reticle
5-19. Functions of Reticles.
may be placed at the front or rear of the erecting system,
a. Application. Reticles (para 4-9) are used in
or reticles may be placed at both points, and their
fire-control instruments for superimposing markings or
patterns are then observed superimposed upon each
a predetermined pattern of range and deflection
other. The preferable position with this type of erecting
graduations on a target. A reticle in its simplest form is a
system is in front of the system as the objective and
post or picket, or it may consist of two intersecting lines;
reticle then form a unit and any shift of the erecting
then the line of sight through their intersection will be in
system does not disturb the alinement of these elements.
the center of the field of view. It represents the axis of
With a prism erecting system, the reticle usually is
the bore of the weapon when adjusted for short range
placed in back of the erecting system.
firing or is fixed at a definite angle to the bore of the
weapon for long range firing. A reticle is used as a
reference point for sighting or aiming, or it may be
Figure 5-23. Reticle location
of the principle of universal focus through a small
5-20. Galilean-Type Rifle Sight.
In this British-
aperture (familiar to most marksmen). In such a system,
devised system, a long focal length objective (bearing a
it is impossible to have both reticle and target image in
reticle to its front surface) is mounted in place of an open
sharp focus simultaneously. Note also that the reticle
front sight. A negative eyelens and aperture replace the
actually is outside the system. A reticle cannot be placed
conventional peepsight. The aperture provides sharper
within this system as no real image plane
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