![]() TM 9-258
plate as in a reflex system.
4-9. Reticles.
(1) Crosswires (A, fig 4-24), commonly used in
a. The majority of reticles (para 5-19) are glass
rifle scopes, give increased light transmission by
disks with plane parallel surfaces. Appropriate markings
eliminating one piece of glass. With a wire reticle, there
are engraved or etched on one of the surfaces. In some
is no glass surface present to become dirty and require
cases, a planoconvex lens is required at the point where
cleaning. Crosswires may be cleaned with little effort by
the reticle would be mounted. In such cases, the
using a camels-hair brush dipped in carbon tetrachloride.
markings are engraved on the plane surface of the lens.
A dirty glass surface in the image or reticle plane is in
b. Military reticles are of several types: wire (or
sharp focus and under magnification. Such a glass
some filament material), a post (picket), an etching on a
reticle surface, therefore, must be clean.
plate glass or lens surface, or a punched metal
Figure 4-24. Representative types of reticles
(2) Reticles on glass commonly are used in
Glass provides a surface for any desired reticle design or
most military sights. The reticle pattern is etched and
pattern as illustrated in B, C, and D, figure 4-24. This
filled on a planoparallel plate so that it is seen as a black
glass surface must be perfectly clean as it is in a focal
silhouette. If illuminated, it will glow with reflected light.
place and all dirt is in perfect focus and magnified. A
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