![]() TM 9-258
Figure 3-12. Visual Limitations
b. Resolving Power of the Eye. The retina is a
lines can be distinguished by adjacent cone endings
closer than displacement of points. Some persons can
mass of nerve endings. Their individual diameters
read accurately angular measurement (between two
(between 0.0015 millimeter and 0.0054 millimeter)
displaced lines) as small as 10 seconds of arc.
determines the resolving power of the particular eye.
d. Measure of Visual Acuity. Visual acuity is
The size of these nerve endings vary in different
keeness of sight. It is the ability to see near and distant
individuals. These nerve endings may be compared to.
objects clearly in order to compare minute details and to
the sensitive particles in a photographic film. Although a
discriminate between them. Visual acuity commonly is
perfect image may be formed in the retina, it will not be
measured by viewing a standard letter of one-minute
perceived as such, for the distance between two
details, such as the following example: A person able to
adjacent image points must be greater than the distance
view the letter E composed of lines one minute of angle
between rods or cones (nerve ends) for perception.
c. Acute Vision. Acute vision is limited to the
of width at the standard distance of 20 feet is said to
possess 20/20 vision. In case a letter is used at 20 feet
area of the fovea centralis, a spot (about 0.25 millimeter
which should normally be identified at 40 feet, vision is
in diameter) on the macula which lies on the retina at the
said to be 20/40. Some eyes, on the other hand, have
visual axis. Here are cone nerve endings alone instead
better than average resolving power and can perceive
of the longer rods with a diameter of approximately 0.002
letters having less than one-minute details. An example
millimeter. This area of acute vision covers a true field of
of this is 20/10 vision, which it the ability to discern at 20
less than 1 of arc (ordinarily) or a circle approximately
feet what the normal eye can appreciate at 10 feet. A
3.5 millimeters in diameter at 25 centimeters distance
whole series of letters have been designed (subtending
from the eye. Least angular separation between any two
one-minute details at their respective distances) for use
discernible points in this field of acute vision is normally
at the standard distance, so that the testing can be done
one minute of arc (B, fig 3-12). Coincident readings, as
at a fixed distance rather than at various distances.
on a vernier or micrometer, can be read closer as
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