![]() TM 9-258
the light quanta when emitted retained their identity as
medium or substance of constant optical density. Upon
individual packets of energy.
striking a different medium, light either will bounce back
(8) Millikan and Compton. Still later, R.A.
(be reflected) or it will enter the medium. Upon entering
a transparent medium, its speed will be slowed down if
Millikan's very accurate measurements proved that the
the medium is more dense or increased if the medium is
energy due to motion (called "kinetic energy) of
less dense. Some substances of medium density have
elemental units of light (called "photons") behaved as
abnormal optical properties and for this reason "optically
assumed by the Quantum Theory. Later proof was given
dense" would be a better term. If it strikes the medium at
by A.H. Compton in 1921 in determining the motion of a
an angle, its course will be bent (refracted ) upon
single electron and a photon before and after collision of
entering the medium.
Upon striking all material
these bodies. He found that both have kinetic energy
mediums, more or less of the light is absorbed.
and a momentum and that they behave like material
(1) Transmission of light energy. Visible light
This was somewhat a return to the old
is one of many forms of radiant energy which is
corpuscular theory.
(9) Summary.
The present standpoint of
transmitted in waves. The means by which the waves
carry the energy can be illustrated in a simple manner.
physicists on the nature of light is that it appears to be
Secure one end of a rope to some object. Hold the other
dualistic, both particle and wavelike. It is assumed that
end of the rope, stretch it fairly taut, and shake it. A
light and electricity have much in common. It is presently
wave motion (wave pulse) will pass along the rope from
accepted that the energy associated with a light beam is
transmitted as small particle-like packets-photons,
the end that is held to the end that is secured (fig 2-1). If
the end of the rope is continually shaken, a series of
waves (wave train) will pass along the rope (fig. 2-2). It
described in terms of associated waves, but, which are
will be noted that the different parts of the rope (the
best measured relying solely on their particle-like nature.
medium) vibrate successively, each bending back and
The simple wave analogy is only a very rough
forth about its own position. The disturbance travels but
However, the phenomena of light
the medium does not. Only the energy is carried along
propagation may be best explained in terms of wave
the rope. Now imagine that the light source is a vibrating
theory. The wave theory will be used in the remainder of
ball from which a countless number of threads extend in
this manual.
all directions. As the ball vibrates, successive waves are
b. Known Facts. All forms of light obey the same
transmitted out along the threads in all directions. In a
general laws. Light travels in waves in straight lines and
similar manner, light radiates from its source.
at a definite and constant speed, provided it travels in a
Figure 2-1. Wave carrying energy along rope.
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