![]() TM 9-258
Section I. LIGHT
Fresnel (1788-1827), and others supported the wave
Theories and Known Facts About Light.
theory and the rival corpuscular theory was virtually
a. General. The true nature of light and the
abandoned. These scientists offered their measurement
manner in which it travels have fascinated scientific
of light waves as proof. They accepted the "ether" theory
investigators for centuries. Many theories have been
and assumed light to be waves of energy transmitted by
advanced to explain why light behaves as it does. Later
an elastic medium ether.
discoveries have proved some of these theories
(5) Maxwell, Boltzmann, and Hertz. Light and
unsound. This manual cannot attempt to cover all the
electricity were similar in radiation and speed was proved
aspects of light nor is this knowledge essential to the
the experiments of Maxwell (18311879), Boltzmann
study of the laws of optics as they apply to fire control
(1844-1906), and Hertz (18571894).
From these
equipment. Therefore, only a short summary of the
experiments was developed the Electromagnetic Theory.
various theories of light is given.
These experiments produced alternating electric currents
(1) Ancient Greek theory. The earliest known
of short wavelengths that were unquestionably of
speculations as to the nature of light were those of the
electromagnetic origin and had all the properties of light
ancient Greeks. They believed that light was generated
waves. The Maxwell theory contended that energy was
by streams of particles which were ejected from the
given off continuously by the radiating body.
human eye. This theory could not persist because it
(6) Planck. For a time it was thought that the
could not explain why one could not see as well at night
puzzle of light had been definitely solved but, in 1900,
as by day.
Max Planck refuted the Maxwell theory that the energy
(2) Newton. The first modern theory was that
radiated by an ideal radiating body was given off
of Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727). This, the corpuscular
continuously. He contended that the radiating body
theory, assumed light to be a flight of material particles
contained a large number of tiny oscillators, possibly due
originating at the light source. Newton believed that light
to the electrical action of the atoms of the body. The
rays moved at tremendous velocity in a state of near
energy radiated could be high frequency (para 2-3b) and
vibration and could pass through space, air, and
with high energy value, all possible frequencies being
transparent objects. This theory agreed with the property
represented. The higher the temperature of the radiating
of light to move only in a straight line, in a medium of
body the shorter is the wave length (para 2-3a) of most
constant optical density, but failed to explain other
energetic radiation. In order to account for the manner in
phases of light behavior. Newton stumbled on light
which the radiation from a warm black body is distributed
interference in his discovery of Newton's Rings (para 2-
among the different wave lengths, Planck found an
44)but did not realize their significance.
equation to fit the experimental curves, and then only on
(3) Huygens. In Newton's time, Christian
the very novel assumption that energy is radiated in very
Huygens (1629-1695) attempted to show that the laws of
small particles which, while invisible, were grains of
reflection and refraction of light could be explained by his
energy just as much as grains of sand. He called these
theory of wave motion of light. While this theory seemed
units quanta and his theory the Quantum Theory. The
the logical explanation for some phases of light behavior,
elementary unit or quanta for any given wave length is
it was not accepted for many years because a means
equal to hn, where n is frequency of the emitted radiation
was lacking by which to transmit the waves. Huygens
and h is a constant known as Planck's constant. Quanta
proposed that a medium, which he called "ether, " be
set free were assumed to move from the source in
accepted as existing to serve light rays as water does the
familiar waves of water. He assumed this medium to
(7) Einstein. A few years later, Albert Einstein
occupy all space, even that already occupied by matter.
backed up in Planck and contended that
(4) Young and Fresnel. Experiments made
about 50 years later by Thomas Young (1773-1829),
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