![]() TM 9-1300-277
technology program for assigned ammunition in
instructions and transportation resources provided by
the Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force (C-5b(6),
(Manufacturing Technology Program).
below) and in accordance with the movement and issue
priority system prescribed by DoD Directive 4410.6
(Uniformed Materiel Movement and Issue Priority
(7) Conduct, in collaboration with the
System (UMMIPS)).
The Single Manager is to
Secretaries to the Navy and Air Force, industrial
coordinate with the Services in selection or storage
preparedness production planning for assigned
depots so as to minimize cost of maintenance and to
ammunition in accordance with DoD Directive 4005.1
optimize ability to meet Service requirements. The
and ASPR (C-5a(4), above).
Services do not have veto power over the final decision
(8) Manage, operate, and maintain the
by the Single Manager. Inter-Service transfers will
wholesale inventory of ammunition in CONUS, including
continue to require approval by the affected Service(s).
related and required installations and facilities or parts
However, for items with a high degree of commonality,
of them. Wholesale inventory includes all conventional
the Services should provide pre-arranged standing
ammunition stocks between point of production and
approvals permitting the Single Manager to make inter-
point of receipt at first intermediate retail CONUS
Service transfers. DoDD 4140.1 requires that the SM
activity (e.g., tidewater port, air base, post, camp, or
operate an Inventory Control Point for wholesale
Retail inventory includes conventional
conventional ammunition stocks assigned which
ammunition stocks between point of receipt at first
includes control of assigned stocks as well as
intermediate/retail CONUS activity and point of
maintenance of accurate records of those stocks. The
consumption. The wholesale inventory consists of his
SM is responsible for custodial accountability for
own ammunition and that assigned to him by the
wholesale conventional ammunition stocks assigned to
Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force (C-5b(1), below).
Custodial accountability is defined as the
This responsibility applies to his own installations and
maintenance of data elements in the inventory record to
facilities, or parts of them, and those transferred to him
reflect by ownership code the receipt, issue, balance,
by the Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force (C-5b(8),
and such other quantitative and financial data
below). It includes functions as follows:
determined by the SM as minimum essential for proper
control and management of Service owned stocks
(a) Inventory
commingled in storage.
The Single Manager is
accordance with DoD Directive 4140.1 (Inventory
responsible for property management. This includes
Management Policies).
This management of the
responsibility for damage, loss, or destruction of
wholesale inventory management of the retail inventory
assigned property. The Single Manager is relieved of
worldwide which is a responsibility of the Secretaries of
his custodial accountability and property management
the Navy and Air Force and is retained by them in
responsibilities upon the Services receipt by an
accordance with C-5b(15)(d), below.
accountable officer or custodian at the first retail point.
Thereupon, the stocks are considered retail stocks and
the Service assumes custodial responsibility and
(b) Receipt and storage of ammunition
property management.
in accordance with DoD Instruction 4140.7 (Control,
Supply, and Positioning of Materiel) and provision,
management, and operation of related storage and
(d) Depot maintenance/renovation of
warehousing facilities and services in accordance with
his own assets and of assets owned by the Secretaries
DoD Directive 4145.19 (Storage and Warehousing
of the Navy and Air rorc4: in accordance with the
Facilities and Services).
general objectives and policies prescribed by DoD
Directive 4151.16 (DoD Equipment Maintenance
Program) and DoD Directive 4151.1 (Use of Contractor
(c) Issuance of his own assets and of
and Government Resources for Maintenance of
assets owned by the Secretaries of the Navy and Air
Materiel). Such maintenance/renovation shall be
Force to their retail inventories (C-5b(15)(d), below).
Such issues and related movements shall be based on
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