![]() TM 9-1300-277
and Common-User Ocean Terminals). The Single
based on instructions and resources provided by the
Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force (C-5b(6), below)
Manager will coordinate with Military Traffic
Management Command (Army), Military Sealift
and upon procedures jointly developed and agreed
Command (Navy), Military Airlift Command (Air Force),
and Service Components prior to selection of which
stocks to be shipped and from what depot. The owning
(e) Demilitarization and disposal, in
Service, on an exception basis, can challenge the
coordination with the Secretaries of the Navy and Air
Single Manager's decision and provide specific
Force and with the Director, Defense Supply Agency, as
appropriate, in accordance with DoD Directive 4160.21
(Department of Defense Personal Property Disposal
Program) and DoD Instruction 7310.1 (Accounting and
Develop and acquire equipment and
Reporting for Property Disposal and Proceeds from Sale
facilities required to demilitarize assigned ammunition in
of Disposable Personal Property and Lumber of Timber
accordance with DoD Directive 4275.5.
Consistent with the provisions of DoD
(f) Wholesale
Directive 5000.19 (Policies for the Management and
aggregation and procurement direction in accordance
Control of DoD Information Requirements), act as
with DoD Instruction 4140.7.
Executive Agent, supported by functional requirements
from other DoD Components, to develop, design, and
centrally maintain a standard DoD-wide automated data
(g) Maintenance of real property in
system covering the functions in this assignment. This
accordance with DoD Directive 4165.2.
standard system shall not be duplicated and shall
replace nonstandard systems currently used by any DoD
(h) Management
industrial plant equipment in accordance with DoD
Directive 4215.18.
Provide management information on
assigned ammunition during procurement and in the
(i) Military construction in accordance
wholesale inventory to the Secretaries of the Navy and
with DoD Directives 7040.4 and 7040.2 and with DoD
Air Force through the automated data system prescribed
Directive 7150.5, when appropriate.
by C-5a(13), above. The Single Manager will report to
each Service the wholesale assets by quantity facility
(9) Use the military standard logistics data
location, lot number and readiness condition. Each
systems prescribed by DoD Directive 4000.25
Service retains the right to evaluate the condition of
(Administration of Military Standard Logistics Data
their own ammunition and prepare summary reports on
Systems) in the functions covered in this assignment.
their total inventories. To assure that unwarranted
duplication is eliminated, the Single Manager is to
furnish summary information of the wholesale
(10) Manage DoD-owned plant equipment at
conventional ammunition inventory owned by each
contractor plants and required to manufacture assigned
Service, thus permitting the Service to aggregate this
ammunition in accordance with DoD Directive 4215.18.
information with their retail stock data to meet their
worldwide asset accountability requirement.
(11) Manage transportation and handling of
precludes the need of the Services to generate their own
assigned ammunition during procurement and in the
summary information on the wholesale conventional
wholesale inventory in accordance with the policies
ammunition stocks.
prescribed by DoD Directive 4500.9 (Transportation and
Traffic Management) and under the overall
Collaborate with the Secretaries of the
management of Single Managers assigned by DoD
Navy and Air Force and with the Air Munitions
Directives 5160.2 (Single Manager for Airlift Services),
Requirements and Development (AMRAD) Committee
5160.10 (Single Manager Assignment for Ocean
throughout RDT&E of ammunition and on assigned
Transportation), and 5160.63 (Single Manager
ammunition already in use to:
Assignment for Military Traffic, Land Transportation, C-4
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