![]() TM 9-1300-277
below (hereinafter collectively referred to as "assigned
DoD Directive 4100.15 (Commercial or Industrial
ammunition"), upon receipt of purchase requests as set
forth in C-5b(3), below, and in accordance with ASPR
TArmed Services Procurement Regulation).
(b) Providing DoD-owned facilities to
following partial purchase assignments, previously
contractors in accordance with DoD Directive 4275.5
assigned by DoD Instruction 4115.1 (DoD Coordinated
(Industrial Facility Expansion and Replacement) and
Procurement Program-Purchase Assignment) and
ASPR to the Department of the Navy, are hereby
reassigned to the Secretary of the Army: Federal
(c) Operation of facilities in accordance
Supply Classification Classes 1310, 1325, 1340, and
with DoD Directive 7410.4 (Regulations Governing
Industrial Fund Operations) when industrial funds are
(2) Provide contract administration services
in accordance with ASPR and physical security in
(d) Acquisition,
accordance with DoD Directive 5100.76 (Physical
disposal of real property in accordance with DoD
Security Review Board), either separately or by
arrangements with the Director, Defense Supply
Management and Disposal), including utilization and
Agency, where appropriate, during procurement of
retention of such property in accordance with DoD
assigned ammunition.
Directive 4165.20 (Utilization and Retention of Real
Property) and obtaining prior approval of real property
(3) Establish and maintain, in coordination
actions in accordance with DoD Instruction 4165.12
with the Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force and the
(Prior Approval of Real Property Actions).
Director, Defense Supply Agency, where appropriate, a
quality assurance program, including first article testing
(e) Expansion and replacement of
and approval, that conforms to the policies prescribed
industrial facilities in accordance with DoD Directive
by DoD Directive 4155.1 (Quality Assurance). This
program shall cover assigned ammunition during
procurement (C-5a(1), above) and in the wholesale
inventory (C-5a(8), below). It shall complement the
(f) Maintenance of real property in
overall quality assurance system for ammunition which
accordance with DoD Directive 4165.2 (DoD Real
is a responsibility of the Secretaries of the Navy and Air
Property Maintenance Activities Program).
Force and is retained by them as set forth in C-5b(15)
(b), below.
(g) Management
industrial plant equipment in accordance with DoD
(4) In planning for production of assigned
Directive 4215.18 (Management of Defense-Owned
ammunition, comply fully with the policies of DoD
Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE).
Directive 4005.1 (DoD Industrial Preparedness
Production Planning) and ASPR by giving preference to
(h) Military construction in accordance
privately-owned facilities to minimize the need for
with DoD Directives 7040.4 (Military Construction
Government-financed facilities.
Authorization and Appropriation) and 7040.2 (Program
for Improvement in Financial Management in the Area
(5) Manage, operate, and maintain all DoD
of Appropriations for Acquisition and Construction of
installations and facilities involved in, capable of, and
Military Real Property) and with DoD Directive 7150.5
required for manufacturing assigned ammunition. This
(Responsibility for Programming and Financing of
responsibility applies to his own industrial facilities and
Facilities at Military Installations Utilized by Two or More
those transferred to him by the Secretaries of the Navy
and Air Force in accordance with C-5b(7), below. It
includes functions as follows:
(6) Conduct, in coordination with the
(a) Establishment and operation of DoD
Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force, a manufacturing
commercial or industrial activities in accordance with
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