![]() TM 9-1300-277
The distance at which cars are considered safe from the
Rocket-A complete missile which derives its thrust from
blast effects of explosions has been fixed at 60 percent
ejection of hot gases generated from propellants in the
of the inhabited-building distance. These decreased
distances are used in tables for class 1.1 materials. The
use of the lesser distances is based on the smaller
Safety Distances-Safety distances are empirical dis-
height and area of railroad cars exposed to blast; the
tances in relation to quantity of explosives, and are the
greater resistance of cars to blast as compared with
minimum permitted for separation of facilities within a
buildings; and the fact that, while a building is stationary
hazard area, of possible explosions of the explosive
and subject to risk constantly, the presence of a train is
hazard from inhabited buildings, public railway, and
only temporary. For other than class 1.1 materials,
public highways, in order to control the magnitude of
inhabited-building distances are required to public
damage, loss of life, and serious injuries. Separation
railways. The minimum separation between privately
distances are not absolutely safe distances but are
owned railways over which passengers are not carried,
relatively protective or safe distances.
and magazines and storage sites will be not less than
distances than those shown in the applicable tables
400 feet unless the public railway distance specified in
should be used whenever practicable.
the appropriate quantity-distance table is less.
However, the railways must be separated by public
Semifixed Ammunition -Ammunition loaded into the
railway distances from operating buildings.
weapon as a unit. The cartridge case is loose-fitted
over the base of the projectile so that the propelling
Public Traffic Route-Any public street, road, highway,
charge may be adjusted for zone firing.
navigable stream, or passenger railroad.
Pyrotechnic Material-Explosive or chemical ingredients,
major components projectile, propelling charge and
including powdered metals, used in manufacture of
primer are issued unassembled and are loaded into the
military pyrotechnics.
weapon separately.
Quantity-Distance-The quantity of explosives material
Separated-Loading Ammunition-Ammunition consisting
and the distance separation relationships which provide
of a projectile and a primed cartridge case containing
defined types of protection. These relationships are
propellant. The propelling charge is not adjustable for
based on levels of risk considered acceptable for the
zone firing.
stipulated exposures and are tabulated in the
appropriate quantity-distance tables.
Service Magazine-Auxiliary building used for inte-
rmediate storage of explosives materials not exceeding
Rail Holding Yard-A railroad yard used for storing of
the minimum amount necessary for safe, efficient
loaded cars for indefinite periods of time.
Restricted Area-Any area, usually fenced, at an
Simultaneous Detonation-Detonation of separated
establishment where entrance and egress of personnel
quantities of explosives or ammunition occurring so
and vehicular traffic are controlled for reasons of safety
nearly at the same time that the effect on the
and security.
surroundings is the same as though the several
quantities were not separated and were detonated en
Revetment-An explosives location barricaded on at least
three sides. The revetment may or may not incorporate
Single-Revetted Barricades-A mound which has been
a structure or an overhead cover.
modified on one side by a retaining wall, preferably of
Riot Control Agent-A chemical that produces temporary,
concrete, of such slope and thickness as to hold firmly in
irritating, or disabling effects when in contact with the
place the 3-foot width of earth required at the top, with
eyes or when inhaled.
the earth at the natural angle on one side. All other
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