![]() TM 9-1300-277
requirements of a mound will be applicable to the single
classification of ammunition; ammunition components
revetted barricade.
and explosives in movement; storage and use to
determine the current degree of serviceability and rate
Site-The locations within a range which are reserved
of deterioration.
Inspections during salvage and
demilitarization operations to assure compliance with
exclusively for use in conducting specific functions
approved standards.
involving munitions. A range may have one or several
sites, i.e., disposal, training, bombing and gunnery, etc.
Toxicity-The property possessed by a material which
Small Arms Ammunition -Ammunition for small arms,
enables it to injure the physiological mechanism of a
i.e., all ammunition up to and including caliber .60, and
living organism by chemical means, with maximum
all gauges of shotgun shells.
effect being death.
Solid Propellants-Low explosives used to propel
Unbarricaded-Without effective barricade between
projectiles, rockets, etc., and to generate gases for
magazines, operating buildings, stacks, etc., opposed
powering auxiliary devices.
one to another.
Standard Igloo Magazine-An earth-covered, arch-type
Waiver-Written authority from a theater commander,
magazine, with or without a separate door barricade,
permitting deviation from a mandatory rule for a limited
constructed according to an approved standard drawing.
time, pending correction of the condition, or written
authority from an installation commander, permitting
Static Fire-Firing, or functioning as designed, a munition
deviation from an advisory provision. The latter type,
in a hold-down position.
local waivers, are also granted for specific periods of
Static Test Stand-Locations whereon liquid propellant
Warhead or Warhead Section That portion of a rocket
engines or solid propellant motors are tested in place.
or guided missile containing the high explosives charge
Storage Compatibility-A relationship between different
or other destructive agent.
items of ammunition, explosives, and other dangerous
materials whose characteristics are such that a quantity
Warning-An operating procedure, practice, etc., which if
of two or more of the items stored or transported
not correctly followed, could result in injury to personnel
together is no more hazardous than a comparable
or loss of life.
quantity of any one of the items stored alone.
Wind Direction Indicator-Weather vanes, smoke pots,
Substantial Dividing Wall-An interior wall designed to
smoke grenades or similar devices used for indicating
prevent simultaneous detonation of quantities of
the direction the wind is blowing.
explosives on opposite sides of the wall.
Wind Velocity Indicator-An anemometer.
inspection, test, evaluation, and condition code
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