TM 9-1300-277
processing, handling, loading, or assembling
as brisance, detonation rate, cratering B-8 potential,
ammunition and explosives are performed.
steel penetration capability, etc.
Operating Line-A group of buildings, facilities or related
Primer-A device or assembly used to prepare a
work stations so arranged as to permit performance of
demolition charge for firing. It may vary depending on
the consecutive steps in the manufacture of an
the firing system to be employed and in some cases the
explosive, or in the loading, assembly, modification, and
type of charge to be set off.
maintenance of ammunition.
Prohibited Area-A specifically designated area at
Operational Shield-A barrier constructed at a particular
airfields, seadromes, or heliports in which all
location or around a particular machine or operating
ammunition and explosives facilities are prohibited.
station to protect personnel, material, or equipment from
the effect of localized fire or explosion.
Propagating Explosion-Communication of an explosion
(detonation or deflagration) from one explosives source
Outdoor Storage Sites-Sites within the magazine area
to another by fire, fragment, or blast (shock wave) where
selected for outdoor storage of ammunition and in
the time interval between explosions is sufficient to limit
exceptional cases inert items. Outdoor storage sites
the total overpressure at any given time to that which
may be of the following types:
each explosion produced independently. (This condition
where detonation occurs would be evidenced by a
distant shock wave from each detonation with a
a. Earth-revetted, four sides (except entrance),
discernible pressure drop between each explosion.)
located between earth-covered magazines.
Protected Terrain or an effective artificial barrier
interposed between a propellant facility and inhabited
b. Earth-revetted, four sides (except entrance), not
building, or other exposure, to prevent fragments from
located between earth-covered magazines.
endangering the building or other exposure.
c. Nonrevetted, with roof covered magazines.
Protective (Gas) Mask-A face mask used by personnel
to protect the respiratory system against inhalation of
harmful chemical agents.
d. Nonrevetted, without cover, not located between
earth-covered magazines.
Public Highway-Any street, alley, road, or navigable
water open to use of the general public. Navigable
Personnel Shelter--A shelter providing four to six-foot
water is that part of a body of water capable of
thick frontal protection and a minimum of two-foot thick
navigation by barges, tug-boats, or larger vessels.
reinforced overhead protection. Personnel engaged in
Public highway distance is the minimum permitted
demolition operations should always have ample time to
between a public highway and an explosives hazard.
reach shelter which provides splinter-proof protection.
Public highway distances are based on criteria similar to
those applicable to passenger railroads and are identical
Photoflash Devices-Photographic aids, such as mag-
to passenger railroad distances. Persons in the open
nesium flashlights, photoflash bulbs, and electronic flash
are considered safe from the blast effects (not
attachments. Only lighting equipment bearing the label
fragments) of explosions when separated from the
of approval of the Underwriters' Laboratories for the
explosion site by distance equal to one-half the public
hazard involved will be used in photographing locations
highway distance.
involving exposed explosives, explosive dusts,
flammable gases or vapors.
Public Railway-Any steam, electric, or other railroad
which carries passengers for hire.
Public railway
Power-In relation to explosives, the term refers to
distance is the minimum permitted between a public
relative end results. It takes into account such factors
railway as so defined and an explosives hazard.
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