![]() TM 9-1300-277
without significantly increasing either the probability of
Deflagration-A rapid chemical reaction in which the
an accident or, for a given quantity, the magnitude of
output of heat is sufficient to enable the reaction to
the effects of such an accident.
proceed and be accelerated without input of heat from
another source. Deflagration is a surface phenomenon
Compatible Storage-Applies to those items which may
with the reaction products flowing away from the
unreacted material along the surface at subsonic
be stored together without increasing the hazard.
The effect of a true deflagration under
confinement is an explosion.
Confinement of the
Component-Any part of a complete item.
reaction increases pressure, rate of reaction and
temperature, and may cause transition into a detonation.
Concentration-The amount of a substance, regardless of
its physical state, present in a given unit volume of air.
Demilitarization-The act of destroying the military
Concentration is visually expressed in milligrams per
cubic meter (mg/m3). The amount of vapor actually
offensive or defense advantages inherent in certain
inhaled or absorbed by an individual is not referred to as
types of equipment and material.
The term
encompasses disassembly and removal of explosives,
mutilation, cutting, crushing, scrapping, melting, burning
Contamination-The presence of or act of supplying a
and dumping at sea (when authorized), or alteration
chemical agent in a dangerous amount of concentration
designed to prevent further use of the equipment and
on an individual, object, or area. For liquid agents,
material for its originally intended military or lethal
contamination is usually expressed in milligrams per
purpose, and applies equally to material in
square meter (mg/m ), ounces per square yard (oz/yd )
unserviceable condition, that has been screened through
or tons per square mile (tons/mi ).
National Inventory Control Point (NICP) and declared
surplus or foreign excess.
Demolition Explosive
Controlling Authority-The term controlling authority as
Charge-An intentionally placed explosive charge used
under controlled conditions for a desired explosive
used in these standards refers to the headquarters of the
DoD Component concerned.
Detonation-A violent chemical reaction within a
Conversion of Temperature-To convert Fahrenheit to
Centigrade, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit reading and
chemical compound or mechanical mixture evolving
multiply by 1.8. To convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit,
heat and pressure. A detonation is a reaction which
multiply the Centigrade reading by 1.8 and add 32.
proceeds through the reacted material toward the
unreacted material at a supersonic velocity. The result
of the chemical reaction is exertion of extremely high
Conventional Ammunition- Non-nuclear ammunition
pressure on the surrounding medium forming a
excludes all biological ammunition and generally
propagating shock wave which is originally of supersonic
excludes chemical ammunition except for existing
velocity. A detonation, when the material is located on
smoke and incendiary agents and agents of the riot
or near the surface of the ground, is normally
control type.
characterized by a crater.
Decontaminating Material-Any substance used to
Detonator-A device capable of inducing a high-order
chemically destroy, physically remove, seal in, or
otherwise make harmless a chemical agent.
detonation in high explosives.
Decontamination--The process of making any individual,
Detonating Cord-A flexible tubing containing a core of
object, or area safe by chemically destroying or
high explosive which carries the detonation wave from
physically removing harmful chemical agents. An object
one end to the other at approximately the
or area may be made safe for unprotected personnel by
effectively sealing in the harmful agent, if it cannot be
removed chemically or physically.
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