![]() TM 9-1300-277
The following are descriptions of terms and phases commonly used in conjunction with ammunition, explosives, and
other dangerous materials. These are listed to provide a degree of uniformity of description in the use of technical
information throughout these standards.
Administration Areas--The areas in which administrative
Blasting Cap--A cylindrical detonator containing one or
offices for the entire establishment are located. These
more sensitive initiating explosives used to initiate the
areas differ from those directly associated with and a
detonation of demolition charges. There are several
part of the explosive area, such as ammunition
types of blasting caps, as follows:
operations office.
a. Electric blasting caps. These are capable of
being set off by an electrical current.
components and explosive prepared to form a charge,
complete round, or cartridge for small arms, rifle, gun,
b. Nonelectric blasting caps.
cannon, or any other weapon or explosiveactuated
device, impulse device, torpedo warhead, mine, bomb,
These are capable of being set off by a spit of fire
depth charge, demolition charge, fuze, detonator,
(normally from a safety fuze).
projectile, rocket, or guided missile. Ammunition also
includes all solid propellants, explosives, hypergolic
Caution-An operating procedure, practice, etc., which if
liquids, propellant systems, and other hazardous
not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or
materials applied to ordnance uses and requiring
destruction of, equipment.
surveillance for reasons of explosive safety, all JATO's,
boosters, sustainers, military pyrotechnics, and
Change House-A building provided with facilities for
chemical/biological systems, and materials.
employees to change to and from work clothes. Such
buildings may be provided with sanitary facilities,
Ammunition Operations Office-Any office, exclusive of
drinking fountains, lockers, and eating facilities.
the main administrative area adjacent to or within an
explosive area, in which operational administrative
Chemical Agent--A solid, liquid, or gas which through its
functions pertaining to explosives are performed.
chemical properties produces lethal or toxic effects on
man, animal or plant life, or produces an incendiary
Barricade-An intervening approved barrier, natural or
action or screening or signaling smoke.
artificial, of such type, size, and construction as to limit
in a prescribed manner, the effect of an explosion on
Chemical Ammunition-Ammunition, the filler of which is
nearby buildings or exposures.
primarily a chemical agent.
Biological Agent-A solid, liquid or aerosol, which through
Clearance-An authorization to conduct a test, to enter or
its biological properties produces injurious or lethal
exit from a danger area, or to conduct work in a danger
effects on personnel, plants, or animals.
area. Clearance may be granted only by the safety
observer having jurisdiction over the danger area in
Blast-Brief and rapid movement of air or fluid away from
which the operation is to be conducted.
a center of outward pressure, as in an explosion; the
pressure accompanying this movement.
Compatibility-Ammunition or explosives are considered
compatible if they may be stored or transported together
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