![]() TM 9-1300-277
detonation velocity of the explosive in the core.
granted by law, TM 9-1300-277 by Congressional
resolution, or by a finding and determination by the
Disposal-The process of eliminating unwanted
Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense, or by a
Secretary or Under Secretary of a Military Department.
material/munition items from the inventory by
Exemptions (except those established by Congressional
action) shall be granted only when immediate corrective
abandoning, or destroying it.
measures are wholly impractical, (such as where
Congressional authorization to purchase real estate for
Disposal Range-Any area of land which has been
adequate safety clearances has not been granted or
designated by proper authority for exclusive use in
where significant impairment of the overall defense
demilitarization/ disposal operations.
posture of the United States would otherwise result) and
only if positive programs for the eventual correction of
Dividing Wall -A wall designed to prevent, control, or
the deficiency are being carried out. Exemptions will
delay propagation of an explosion between quantities of
not be granted for a period in excess of that estimated
explosives on opposite sides of the wall.
to be required for correction of the deficiency.
Downwind Vapor Hazard (Quantity/DistanceThe dis-
Explosion-A chemical reaction of any chemical
tance downwind from the munitions which exposed
compound or mechanical mixture which, when initiated,
individuals can be expected to exhibit certain
undergoes a very rapid combustion or decomposition
physiological effects.
This distance is not only
releasing large volumes of highly heated gases which
dependent on the source strength (quantity), but also
exert pressure on the surrounding medium. Also, a
upon the toxicity of the agent and the meteorological
mechanical reaction in which failure of the container
conditions at time of release.
causes the sudden release of pressure from within a
pressure vessel; for example, pressure rupture of a
Dud -An explosive loaded item that fails to explode
steam boiler. Depending on the rate of energy release,
when subjected to treatment that should cause it to
an explosion can be categorized as a deflagration, a
function. A dud can be a bomb, shell, grenade, etc.,
detonation, or a pressure rupture.
that has been discharged from a weapon, dropped from
a plane, or thrown by hand that failed to explode on
Explosive(s)-Materials that either detonate or deflagrate.
reaching the target.
Any Chemical compound or mechanical mixture which,
Electroexplosives Device-Any explosives device, such
when subjected to heat, impact, friction, shock or other
suitable initiation, undergoes a very rapid chemical
as blasting caps, squibs, switches, valves, igniters, etc.,
change with the evolution of large volumes of highly
which is designed to be initiated by an electric current.
heated gases which exert pressures in the surrounding
Electromagnetic Radiation-An energy wave consisting of
electric and magnetic lines of force, as a radio wave.
Explosives Area-An area specifically designated and set
Equipment-A general term including apparatus,
aside from other portions of an installation for
appliances, devices, wiring, fixtures, fittings, material,
manufacturing, processing, storing, and handling of
and the like.
explosives and ammunition.
Establishment-Any plant, works, arsenal, depot, proving
Explosive Equivalent-The equivalent power of an
ground, or any other activity under control of the Army.
explosive when compared to an equal weight of TNT.
Usually identified as greater or less powerful than TNT
Exemption-A relatively long term exception to an
and is normally identifiable to two decimal, e.g.,
otherwise mandatory requirement. Exemptions may be
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