![]() TM 9-1300-277
b. The Public Laws referred to are summarized as
into an environmental portion of the local Standing
Operating Procedure (SOP). The following must be
(1) National Environmental Policy Act (PL 91-
(1) Insure that appropriate environmental
permits, licenses, or exemptions are available at the
(2) Clean Air Act (PL 91-604, as amended by
operating locations.
PL 92-157, PL 93-15, PL 93319, and PL 95-95).
(2) Temperature, cloud coverage, wind
(3) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
direction and velocity, and authorized operating time of
(PL 89-272, as amended by PL 91-512, PL 93-611, and
day will be obtained and integrated into daily operations.
PL 94-580).
(3) Logs of materials open burned or
(4) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
detonated will be maintained as required by
Rodenticide Act (PL 92-516, as amended by PL 94-140
Environmental Regulatory Authority permits, licenses, or
and PL 95-396).
(5) Safe Drinking Water Act (PL 93-523, as
(4) Storage and disposition of "wastes" will be
amended by PL 95-190 and PL 96-63).
in compliance with Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act and associated Federal and State
(6) Noise Control Act of 1972 (PL 92-574, as
amended by PL 94-301 and PL 95-609).
(5) Toxic materials, hazardous wastes, and
(7) Toxic Substances Control Act (PL 94-
heavy metals are defined by EPA in Federal Register,
98, Book 2;
pages 33066-33253.
Materials involved in the Demilitarization and Disposal
Activity should be listed and disposal precautions and
controls given.
a. Operations should be conducted in compliance
with current environmental regulations implemented by
Material AMT Per-Round Disposition
federal, state, and local governments. The impact of
(6) Demilitarization/Disposal procedures by
these regulations will not be the same at each
open burning/detonation should identify and quantify all
installation due to differences in the material being
known combustion products and their toxicity data.
processed, geographic make up, meteorological
c. Operations should be planned to eliminate or
regulations, Vigilance must be constantly exercised to
restrict to an acceptable minimum any procedures which
be aware of changes being imposed in current federal,
would produce residues or emissions hazardous to
state, and local regulations in order to be in compliance
health or environment. -Residues created must be
at all times. Exemptions to Environmental Regulations
disposed of by a safe and environmentally acceptable
are not allowed for CONUS operations. OCONUS
means. Fugitive emissions must be dispersed in such a
operations will comply with the environmental laws of
manner that personnel health and the surrounding
the country in which the installation is located.
ecology will not be adversely affected.
b. Consideration must be given to controls when
d. Technical assistance with respect to these
performing operations which affect air, soil, surface
health and environmental restrictions can be obtained
water, and ground water. Government installations
from the US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency,
require permits to perform demilitarization/disposal
ATTN: HSE-E, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010.
operations by either open burning or detonation, The
responsible environmental office must verify that
specific requirements and limitations are met.
Limitations and restrictions contained in those
documents will be put
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