![]() TM 9-1300-277
introduced into the preheated bed, either from the top or
by pneumatic injection into the fluidized bed. Material
may also be fed into the bed as a slurry.
The requirements of Public Law 94-580,
b. Material to be consumed may either be fed in
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
bulk to the fluidized bed by conveyor, or injected into the
requires rethinking of demilitarization and disposal
bed in the form of a sludge or slurry. Material fed in
Compliance with RCRA will have a
bulk needs little or no preparation. However, materials
substantial impact on much of the existing
fed in sludge or slurry form require special preparation,
demilitarization and disposal technology. Some of the
handling, and feed facilities. Equipment required would
materials in ammunition in the demilitarization inventory
consist of a shredder and/or a mill facility, a mixing and
have a recovery value substantially in excess of the
injection system, and a control system. It should be
original cost of the entire item. This results from
noted that the slurry feed system is required to capitalize
significant increases in material costs since the date of
on the high efficiency and special design features that
manufacture. A prime example is the dye components
the fluidized bed incinerator has to offer.
in smoke grenades. Their recovery and reutilization
could reduce the cost of materials for current or future
c. Fluid bed burners provide the most benefits
production requirements.
when deriving energy from problem fuels, These fuels
are typically characterized by high moisture levels, slow
burning rates (such as char), large material size or high
inert levels. Successful testing has been conducted on
The majority of the following equipment and
such diverse fuels as high sulfur coal, petroleum coke,
processes have been tested and are currently available
wood waste, municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, and
for use. These are in addition to those items of
chemical waste utilizing fluid beds of sand and
equipment described in other chapters.
APE 2048, Flashing Furnace
Ammunition Shear Machine
a. On 15 November 1977, the Joint Logistics
Commanders approved a Joint regulation governing the
Projectile Saw Machine
development of D/D plans and procedures for new or
modified ammunition items (NAVMAT Instruction
Cavijet for Washout of Case
8027.1, AFLC/AFSC Regulation 136-5, and DARCOM
Regulation 75-2). This regulation established Joint
Bonded Missile Motors
responsibilities, and procedures relating to all
Fluidized Bed Incinerators
developmental phases and release for production of
new or modified ammunition items. This regulation
reflects the growing concern for environmental quality
and provides sufficient flexibility for meeting
The Fluidized Bed Incinerator, with its support
requirements which may arise in the future, The
equipment, is a versatile and effective facility which
regulation requires that.
offers many advantages in burning waste materials.
(1) D/D considerations are an integral part of
a. A Fluid Bed Burner is a large, refractory lined
the planning and decision-making processes for all new
vessel with an air distribution member or plate in the
or modified ammunition items from conception to final
bottom, a hot gas outlet in or near the top and some
acceptance of the end item.
provisions for introducing fuel. The actual fluidized bed
is formed by blowing air up through a layer of inert
particles at a rate that causes the particles to go into
suspension and continuous motion--analogous to a
boiling liquid but with solid particles, therefore, the term
"Fluid Bed". It should be noted that the media used in
the burner remains as a granular solid. The material to
be used as a fuel is
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