![]() TM 9-1300-277
d. There is a substantial list of ammunition items in
the demilitarization inventory which have no other D/D
method than open burning and open detonation. These
a. Public Laws and implementing regulations have
range from munitions employing riot control agents,
established new directions, standards, and guidelines
various kinds of explosives, and propellants to fire
which govern the environment in which demilitarization
bombs, cluster bombs, and improved conventional
and disposal (D/D) is conducted. Much of the existing
munitions. Some of these munitions have only recently
and proven D/D technology is becoming obsolete in
entered Field Service Stocks. The number of these
whole, or in part, and new initiates are required. The
items consigned for D/D is expected to grow. The need
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (PL
for alternative methods of D/D is well established.
89-272, as amended by PL 91-512, PL 93-611, and PL
94-580) will ultimately have the greatest impact because
e. A large number of concept proposals have been
its principal thrust is to conserve resources and to
identified in a review conducted by the Joint
recover resources for reutilization.
b. Generally, there is adequate technology to
Demilitarization Technology Report, May 1980) which
perform the traditional types of D/D, i.e., open burning,
recognize and propose technology concepts to meet
open detonation, washout, and deactivation furnace.
most of the problem areas identified. This report serves
There are controversies over the extent to which open
as a data base of ongoing Research, Development, Test
burning and open detonation will continue to be viable.
and Evaluation (RDT&E), military construction and
However, one state announced that it was suspending
engineering projects directed toward new or improved
its agreement with an installation pending a definitive re-
disposal techniques, analysis of these projects,
examination of the materials involved and the emissions
distribution of information and coordination, These
concept proposals can assist the ammunition R&D
c. With the new regulatory emphasis outlined in
program manager to implement the Joint Regulation
paragraph 10-2, below, it is no longer possible to
discussed in paragraph 10-7, below, as it relates to
conduct D/D operations in the same manner and with
integrating D/D plans into item/system support
the freedom of action with which these activities were
conducted in the past. In particular, open burning and
open detonation as methods of disposal can be
expected to receive increasing scrutiny from regulatory
agencies and become progressively more difficult to
Justify, Because of the unique characteristics of
a. A series of Public Laws have been enacted
ammunition, it is unlikely, however, that disposal by
which establish new directions, standards, and
open burning and open detonation will completely
guidelines relating to the environment. Public Law 94-
disappear as viable disposal alternatives. It is in the
580, perhaps more than any of the others, changes the
best interest of the Military Services at all levels to
direction of D/D technology because it mandates
recognize these D/D limitations, identify those processes
resource conservation and recovery.
Since D/D
which do not conform to these limitations, and actively
technology historically was oriented at destruction, the
pursue alternatives designed to achieve D/D within
enactment of Public Law 94-580 has resulted in a
regulatory constraints.
considerable amount of proven D/D technology
becoming obsolete. Thus, the continued use of that
obsolete technology does not satisfy the new
requirements for recovery and reutilization.
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