![]() TM 9-1300-277
munitions. A fluidized bed incinerator is undergoing
explosion in any one building cannot set off a
modifications and is not yet operational.
sympathetic explosion in another building. The facility is
connected to the main depot by two rail lines and two
i. ANICCOM installations' facilities capabilities are
truck roads. A conventional road goes around the
detailed in table 9-3.
perimeter of the facility. The operating buildings are
connected by a driverless tractor network so that
j. Demolition ranges available to the Air Force and
ordnance items may be transferred by remote control.
the Navy installations are detailed in Joint Conventional
In general, ordinance arrives by way of truck and
railroad, serving the off-loading dock where they are
Demilitarization/Disposal Handbook, Vol IIA, d. Mar 85.
transferred to the preparation building for uncrating and
k. Army OCONUS
disassembly. The resulting materials and component
detailed in table 9-4.
parts are then transferred to other operating buildings for
further processing.
e. Off-Loading Dock. The Off-loading dock has
two revetted chambers capable of accommodating
a. Introduction.
The Western Demilitarization
either freight cars or trucks. The chambers are rated at
Facility i: s located between the existing depot and the
40,000 pounds of TNT. A detonation of this quantity in
south shore of Walker Lake. Details of this facility and
one cell would not cause a sympathetic detonation of
how it will serve the US Defense Establishment are
explosives in the other.
described below. Site plan showing location of all
principal buildings, roads, and rail lines is presented in
f. Preparation Building. Materials from the off-
loading dock arrive by driverless tractor at one end of
the building.
Here the material is unloaded and
b. Background.
The present capability for
unpacked. Materials are then processed through one or
demilitarization consists of small units in scattered
more of the six work cells. All operations are remotely
locations around the country. These units are quite old,
controlled from consoles in the control room on the
tend to be makeshift, and some processes do not meet
other side of the building. Typical operations are pull-
today's environmental standards. This points up the
apart of gun ammunition, depriming of cartridge cases,
need for modern centralized facilities.
collection of smokeless powder, and defuzing of
c. Requirements. It was required that the new
projectiles. Bulk smokeless powder is transported by
demilitarization facility exhibit these capabilities:
belt conveyor from cell No. 5 to the smokeless powder
accumulation building. All other materials are loaded
(1) Demilitarize all conventional ordnance
onto driverless tractor carts in the other end of the
items in the Department of Defense Inventory.
(2) Be of the latest state-of-the-art using only
g. Smokeless Powder Accumulation Building.
proven technology.
Small-grain smokeless powder comes to this building by
vacuum line and is collected in bag filters. Large grain
(3) Maximize
powder comes by conveyor and is collected in hoppers.
recoverable materials.
All powder is weighed, packaged, and hauled off by
(4) Meet all federal,
truck for resale or for use in the large item flashing
environmental standards.
(5) Guarantee the safety of the workers
h. Mechanical Removal Building. The building is
used for miscellaneous mechanical demilitarization
operations including punching, shearing, sawing, and
d. Overview.
The Western Demilitarization
Facility consists of nine operating buildings, five storage
magazines, an administration building, a boiler facility
i. Large Cells. The three cells are rated at 3,000
and water treatment plant with three water storage
pounds of TNT each, and are located near the
ponds. The buildings are spaced so that a major
mechanical removal building. Operations in the cells
are remotely controlled from the control room
Change 2 9-15
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