![]() TM 9-1300-277
methods are presented. Approved methods discussed
are burning, disassembly, detonation, and washout.
Demilitarization and disposal of munitions is a highly
Requirements for decontamination of facilities,
specialized field requiring proper instruction and training
components, scrap metal, and machinery are also
of personnel. There are specific training programs
Practical exercises are completed to
available for both civilian and military personnel which
reinforce teaching points.
Students are given a
should be completed prior to field assignment. Detailed
demilitarization objective and an SOP is prepared to
instructions for demilitarization and disposal of
completely disassemble an item of ammunition. Final
munitions are provided in depot maintenance work
disposition of each component must be specified. Upon
requirement (DMWR) format and also in letters of
completion of the SOP, students actually set up and
instruction for special cases.
disassemble inert models of the demilitarization
objective. Live demolition exercises are conducted
consisting of the following:
(1) A discussion of meteorological conditions
A training program shall be instituted in each installation
(e.g., temperature gradient, wind speed and direction,
to develop and maintain employee's interest in the
time of day, and other weather conditions) and their
demilitarization/disposal program, and to insure that
effect on blast waves and the possibility of their being
employees are trained so they may safely and efficiently
directed back to earth.
conduct the operations. The training director shall
(2) A review of the proper placement of
determine the need and arrange for training materials
charges for various items as stated in approved
and program. Training may be accomplished by the
DMWR's and the rationale for such placement.
supervisor on the job or by special instruction in a local
(3) A demonstration of detonation techniques
classroom. In order to insure receiving the maximum
by the school staff including individual set up, priming,
benefits from any training, supervision shall maintain a
and functioning of explosive charges.
continuous program of followup, reinstruction, and
(4) The students, under supervision, will set
enforcement of regulations and procedures with each
up electric and nonelectric charges to detonate
unserviceable ammunition (e.g., 5 inch projectile, hand
grenades, and mortars) in accordance with an approved
Two courses are presented at the US Army Defense
b. Surveillance of 'Maintenance/Demilitarization
Ammunition Center and School which is located at the
Operations Course. Another four-week course provides
Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, IL. Personnel
participate in a training program which consists of formal
Maintenance/Demilitarization Operations to include the
classroom and on-the-job training.
following area:
(1) Review of publications, drawings, and
a. Ammunition Demilitarization Course. This four-
other sources of information peculiar to ammunition
week course defines functions and responsibilities
renovation/demilitarization operations.
concerned with demilitarization operations. After a brief
review of basic publications associated with ammunition
and demilitarization, operational safety, standard
equipment, and approved demilitarization
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