![]() TM 9-1300-277
greatly reduced by the Quench Spray Action. Inlet
toward the burner end. The furnace also can be capable
of liquid material injection for first stage incineration of i
temperature is typically 600 . Outlet temperature is
controlled to 225 .
small quantities of hazardous liquids. Typical operating
conditions are 400 inlet temperature, 1200 burner
(5) Electrostatic
end gas temperature, 600 flue temperature. The
Electrostatic Precipitator (EP) is a dry type electrostatic
furnace is used for first stage incineration and
dust collector manufactured by Precipitator Pollution
volatilization of materials contained in bottles, vials, and
Control Systems. This unit has five cells arranged in
wooden or cardboard boxes.
series. The purpose of the unit is the removal of gas
(2) Decontamination
borne metal oxide particles such as tin, zinc, arsenic,
and lead from the furnace gases and dust generation.
Decontamination Furnace is a one-of-a kind masonry
These particles are removed down to the sub-tenth
lined, oil fired furnace. It has two heating zones: Zone
microm size range which is a significant achievement.
1 is used for heat treating metals, burning of
Additionally, the soot and fly ash generated by
combustible packing materials or contaminated refuse
incineration of wood, plastics, and other organic
and melting of low melt point inert parts; and Zone 2 is
materials is removed.
used as a secondary flue gas incineration chamber.
The Decontamination Furnace is fed by means of the
(6) Packed tower scrubbers
The final
decontamination module.
Metal parts are either
polishing step for environmental control of furnace
deposited directly on refractory pedestals or fed in
gases and ventilation air is the use of Packed Tower
stainless steel trays. Combustible materials and parts to
Scrubbers. These units, too, operate in parallel on the
be melted are also fed via these large stainless steel
split waste gas stream. They are conventional counter
trays which resemble troughs. The Decontamination
current packed section towers utilizing polypropylene
Furnace exhaust has the capability of being ducted into
pall rings, random dumped, as a packing medium and
the afterburner.
sodium carbonate brine as the scrubbing medium. Their
(3) Afterburner. The Afterburner is an oil
purpose is to remove any resident acid gases which
survive the Quench Spray Chamber. They serve as an
fired horizontal cylindrical furnace which accomplishes
environmental safety measure in the event of an
second stage incineration of gas phase materials exiting
the Deactivation Furnace. The Afterburner is equipped
microprocessor will automatically boost the scrubber
with a replaceable refractory lining which is currently
alkalinity with caustic soda solution to remove pollutants
rated for 2600 service.
Higher temperature
generated by the upstream condition.
refractories are available. Typical operating parameters
are: inlet end temperature 2500 2600 , pre-discharge
(7) Discharge stack. All gaseous effluent is
temperature 1700 1750 , gas residence time greater
discharged to the atmosphere via two driving fans
than two seconds (controllable).
feeding a single stack.
(4) Quench chamber. The Quench Chamber
(8) Ventilation system. The facility utilizes a
is a steel vessel which accepts the Deactivation and
sophisticated negative pressure ventilation system to
Decontamination furnace discharge gases and cools
control air flow direction and volumes. Major process
them by means of spray humidification. Additionally, a
areas and individual operations are maintained under
large part of the particulate loading in the flue gas
capture velocities and air change requirements which
streams is removed by the alkaline brine spray medium.
are in strict compliance with Army and NIOSH/ OSHA
Acid gases in the flue gases are also
regulations and standards.
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