![]() TM 9-1300-277
flammable materials within a radius of 200 feet from the
point of destruction will be removed.
Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).
equipment for combating grass fires will be kept readily
Reference may be made to AR 95-50 for additional
available and, if practicable, the ground at the point of
destruction should be wetted down with water at the
d. The quantity of material to be destroyed at one
close of each day's operation. Burning shall not be
time will depend upon local conditions. This quantity will
repeated on previously burned-over plots within 24
be carefully determined by starting with a limited
hours unless the burning area has been soaked
number and then gradually increasing that number until
thoroughly with water and an inspection by competent
the maximum which can be destroyed without damage
personnel has been made to assure the safety of
to surrounding property or causing disturbance to
personnel during subsequent burning operations. The
civilian areas is attained.
use of concrete mats for burning or detonation is not
e. In the absence of specific regulations or
information covering the phase of the destruction of
explosive material, instructions will be requested from
the Commander, U.S.
Army Armament Materiel
Readiness Command, Rock Island, IL
61299 or
a. Open detonation is a very economical method
Commander, U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone
of demilitarizing munitions. Disposal by detonation may
Arsenal, AL 35809.
be accomplished on the surface or in a pit or trench.
Procedures vary greatly due to the size of the item,
amount and type of explosive contained in the item,
amount and type of explosive charge necessary to
ensure complete destruction, method of priming, etc.
a. Chemical demilitarization can only be
b. The selection of a site for destruction of
accomplished at a limited number of facilities.
ammunition by detonation is based on the same
Chemical Munitions are generally processed through the
principles as used in selecting a burning ground site.
following principal items of equipment:
Such a site should not be less than 2,400 feet from
(1) Furnaces for explosive deactivation,
public highways, public railways, inhabited buildings,
chemical decontamination of metal parts, and
magazines, and operating buildings.
Where this
incineration of small quantities of chemicals.
distance cannot be attained, a pit or trench shall be used
(2) Afterburner.
to limit the range of fragments. The pit or trench should
(3) Quencher.
be a minimum of four feet deep and materials being
detonated should be covered with at least two feet of
(4) Electrostatic precipitators to remove
earth. The 2400 foot limitation does not apply where
substantially constructed deactivation furnaces are used
(5) Packed tower scrubbers.
for the destruction of small quantities of fuzes, primers,
(6) Discharge stack.
small arms ammunition, etc. When demolition charges
(7) High capacity ventilation systems to
are to be covered with earth, the charges should be
maintain negative pressures.
fitted with detonating cord leads of such length that the
b. A flow diagram of the system is shown in figure
leads will protrude through the earth cover into the open.
6-6. A detailed description of the process is as follows:
c. Another factor that must be considered, when
(1) Deactivation furnace.
selecting a site for the destruction of explosives and
furnace is an oil fired APE 1236 ammunition disposal
ammunition, is determining that the proposed site does
retort equipped with an over-pressure control system
not conflict with existing or proposed airways.
and bearing cooling system. The internal helix keeps
Clearance for the proposed site will be obtained from
furnaced materials moving
the appropriate
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