![]() TM 9-1300-277
Figure 6-7. KIT E010 air pollution control system.
is sometimes a very smoky operation, and it is no longer
are removed from munitions items only maybe laid
ecologically acceptable in some states where there are
loosely upon the pile and destroyed with the munitions.
alternatives. There may be no alternative at times, as in
The selection of a site for destruction of
the case of white phosphorus shells, certain surplus
explosives by burning shall be based on the principle of
rocket motors, and items too deteriorated for safe
obtaining the maximum practicable distance from all
disassembly. Therefore, open burning is universally
magazines, inhabited buildings, operating buildings,
practiced to some degree, and will probably always be
public highways, and railways. Consideration shall be
necessary to a limited extent.
given to the direction of prevailing winds and closed
coverage. Consideration shall also be given to the
c. Burning maybe accomplished on the surface, in
possibility of mass detonation during burning operations.
a pit, or in a trench. All removable detonators, blasting
Whenever possible, natural barricades should be
caps, etc., will be removed from munitions to be burned
utilized between the burning site, operating buildings,
to avoid unexpected detonation. Munitions will be
and magazines. The burning site shall be not less than
examined carefully to make certain that no removable
inhabited-building distances (as prescribed by quantity-
detonators or blasting caps are included. Sites will not
distance tables applicable to the material being
be left unattended during burning, but will be observed
destroyed) from all structures and public thoroughfares.
from the specified safety distance. Detonators that
All dry grass, leaves, and other
Change 2 6-11
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