![]() TM 9-1300-277
Readiness Support Activity by the various commodity
(2) Application of safety standards (explosive
commands. This pamphlet is divided into six sections
and industrial) to maintenance and demilitarization
which contain the following information:
(1) Section I-General. This section contains
(3) Consideration of special equipment, tools,
instructions on use of the pamphlet and identifies
and buildings to be used.
proponents of the various types of materials covered.
(4) Requirements for planning and reporting.
(2) Section II-Numerical Index. This section
(5) Techniques and approved methods used
contains a complete listing of current DMWR and
in maintenance/demilitarization operations.
changes that were in effect at the time of publication.
(6) Actual hands-on training is provided using
(3) Section III-Alphabetical Index.
inert ammunition and components in a fully equipped
section is an alphabetically arranged subject index to
operating building.
Training consists of physically
the publications listed in Section II, which lists all
running a complete maintenance/demilitarization
security classified DMWR first, as indicated with the
operating line using student prepared SOP's and line
asterisk (*), then according to the abbreviated or full
(4) Section IV-Reference Number to DMWR
Number. This is a number other than a National stock
number (NSN) used to identify the item. It is cross
referenced to the DMWR number.
a. DMWR's are documents which contain the
(5) Section V-NSN to DMWR Number, This is
minimum requirements for the demilitarization and
a cross-reference to the NSN assigned to the DMWR
disposal of specific munitions. It specifies equipment
and materials to be used, methods, procedures, and
(6) Section VI-Rescissions. This section lists
techniques, safety and inspection criteria, and other
all rescinded DMVR's since the previous edition of this
essential factors to assure proper demilitarization and
disposal of the item involved. It serves as a basis for
c. A cross-reference listing of demilitarization
preparing local standing operating procedures (SOP).
DMWR to DODIC has been prepared by the US Army
b. An index of Depot Maintenance Work
Armament Materiel Readiness Command, Rock Island,
Requirements is contained in DARCOM pamphlet 310-
IL 61299. Copies of this listing may be obtained by
9. This is an index of current Depot Maintenance Work
writing to that headquarters, ATTN: DRSAR-DSM.
Requirements that have been re-
ported to the US Army DARCOM Materiel
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