![]() TM 9-1300-277
shelters are not available, personnel shall be withdrawn
(3) Magazines, open storage sites, or loading
to places at inhabited building distances from the
docks not equipped with approved lightning protection
hazardous locations.
systems, and vehicles and railroad cars containing
explosives and explosive-loaded ammunition on
e. Personnel in direct charge of railroad trains and
ungrounded tracks, and locations not providing
motor trucks containing explosives should, when
protection equivalent to unbarricaded intraline distance
possible, move the equipment to a predesignated
of such, and within magazine distance of such
location, but in no case less than approved magazine
structures, sites, vehicles, or cars.
distance before retiring to designated bomb-proofs or
change houses.
(4) Locations (with or without lightning
protection) where operations involving electro-explosive
devices are being performed.
a. Open storage is a temporary expedient and
b. When personnel are to be evacuated from
should not be used in lieu of standard methods for long-
explosives operations, the operations should be shut
term storage.
down, windows and doors closed, and electric switches
b. Earth covered (igloo) storage should be used
thrown to the off position.
wherever possible. In comparison with other methods, it
c. A responsible and qualified person should be
provides a higher degree of protection and safety for the
empowered with the final decision as to the necessity for
ammunition and surrounding targets, greater physical
evacuation. Where operations are of such nature as to
security, and reduced maintenance of the ammunition.
require advance warning of shutdown, volunteer
c. Examples of permitted open storage of
observers or an electronic static detector may be used.
ammunition would be:
d. In an operating line, evacuated personnel shall
(1) Bombs slated for demilitarization stored in
be retired to approved, suitable, protective shelters
revetted pads between igloos.
located in intraline distance from operating buildings or
(2) Item size or quantity preclude storage in
other hazardous locations. In a magazine area,
evacuated personnel shall be retired to approved
(3) Material located in outside storage at time
shelters or to empty earth covered magazines at
of suspension from issue, movement, and use.
intraline distance from class 1.1, and at magazine
distance from class 1.2 - 1.4 ammunition. When such
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