![]() TM 9-1300-277
(1) Action to be taken in the event of
action of the guards. After giving the alarm, guards will
exert every effort to hold the fire under control until the
electrical storms, utility or mechanical failures, etc.,
occurring during the handling or processing of
firefighting forces arrive, except that should a fire occur
in a closed magazine, they will not attempt to enter the
hazardous materials will be set forth in SOP's prepared
specifically for such purposes.
(2) When non-English speaking personnel
(3) Guards will be instructed to make a
are employed in operations involving explosives, the
prompt report of the following:
SOP will be in English and in the language the
(a) Any unusual occurrence in or near a
employee understands.
magazine area.
b. The SOP will be approved by the commander or
(b) Grass or forest fires in areas
by a qualified member of his staff whom he has
adjacent to the magazine area.
delegated to review and approve procedures. The SOP
(c) Dangerous practices of personnel
will also be approved by persons designated as being
working in magazines or areas in which there are
responsible for performance of an operation.
explosives, such as smoking.
change to an SOP will be permitted unless approved in
(d) Unauthorized use of fire equipment
writing by the approving authority.
and tampering with ammunition or electrical equipment.
c. All personnel having operational duties of
(e) Unlocked magazine doors or
supervision thereof will enforce the SOP requirements
shutters, defective telephone and electric wires, or
for their particular operation and have ready access to
openings in fences surrounding the magazines.
the SOP for reference purposes.
(f) The
d. Applicable portions of the approved SOP shall
be conspicuously posted convenient to all stations
(4) Generally, shotguns are recommended for
involved in the operation for the guidance of all
guard purposes. Many explosives are not initiated by
low velocity projectiles, but any bullet striking explosives
may cause a serious fire and/or explosion. Guards
protecting explosives or ammunition will be instructed
a. Whenever an electrical storm approaches the
regarding the dangers of firing in the direction of a
establishment, personnel shall be evacuated from
magazine or ammunition in the open.
locations at which there is a hazard from explosives
which could be initiated by lightning. Such locations
a. A written SOP will be prepared and approved
include the following:
prior to conducting operations involving ammunition and
(1) Operating buildings or facilities without
explosives. The SOP will include safety requirements,
approved lightning protection systems, which contain
personnel and explosive limits, quality control and
explosives or explosive-loaded ammunition, and
quality assurance procedures, description of work to be
locations within intraline distance of such facilities.
accomplished, designation of equipment to be used,
(2) Buildings containing explosives dust or
location, and sequence of operations (See TM 91300-
vapors whether or not equipped with approved lightning
250, and DARCOM-R 385-1.)
protection systems, and locations within intraline
distance of such buildings.
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