![]() TM 9-1300-277
d. Explosives Recovery and Reuse. All loose
of flammable dusts, gases, or vapors. Authorized hand
tools or other implements used in the vicinity of
explosives recovered as sweepings from floors of
hazardous materials must be handled carefully and kept
operating buildings will be destroyed.
(2) If the use of ferrous metal hand tools are
a. Fencing, Placarding, and Admittance to
required because of strength characteristics, the
demilitarization/Disposal Areas. An explosives area will
immediate area and equipment shall be free from
be placarded at each entrance. Unauthorized persons
exposed explosives and other highly combustible
will not be permitted to enter. Authorized persons must
enter and leave ammunition areas at designated points.
(3) Non-sparking or spark-resistant tools of
The placard will require personnel before entering the
lead or beryllium alloys that require sharpening or
area to present proper credentials and turn over all
shaping shall be replaced rather than ground down,
prohibited articles to the guard on duty, or to place them
unless adequate exhaust ventilation is available on the
in containers provided for that purpose.
grinder being used for this purpose.
demilitarization/disposal area will be separated from
administration, residential, and entirely unrelated inert
and warehouse areas by fences. Fencing (excluding
that installed for security reasons only) should not be
demilitarization/disposal area will be kept clean and
placed closer to magazines than magazine distance nor
orderly at all times.
closer to explosives operating buildings than intraline
a. Waste Materials. Oily rags, combustible and
distance (See DARCOM-R 385-100/TM 9-1300-206).
explosive scrap, and paper will be kept separate from
Reservation boundaries should be fenced. In certain
each other. Each type of waste should be placed in
cases, topography and/or other physical considerations
closed, non-combustible containers properly marked
may make fencing impossible or impracticable. Security
and preferably located outside the buildings.
measures will be in accordance with AR 50-6 and AR
b. Cleaning. A regular cleaning program will be
190-11. The boundary of each explosives area will be
carried on as frequently as required for maintaining safe
posted at 160 meters (500-foot intervals) to warn against
operations. Extensive cleaning should not be conducted
while an explosives operation is being performed.
b. Guard Protection.
c. Sweeping Compounds. Hot water or steam
(1) Magazines and areas in which there are
should be used wherever practicable for cleaning floors
explosives and ammunition will be guarded adequately
in buildings containing explosives.
at all times. Entrances to these areas will be locked
compounds which are non-abrasive and compatible with
unless protected by guards.
the explosives involved may be used where the use of
(2) Guards and others in charge of explosives
steam or hot water is not practicable. Such compounds
and ammunition will be thoroughly instructed in
may be combustible but will not be volatile (closed cup
emergency firefighting procedures and the hazards due
flash point will be more than 2300F).
to fire and explosions, and the safety precautions to be
compounds containing wax will not be used on
taken. They will be instructed that their most important
conductive flooring. Where nitrated organic explosives
duty is to protect explosives and ammunition against
are involved, which may form sensitive explosives
fire. Alarms will be given with the greatest possible
compounds with caustic alkalies, use of cleaning agents
speed so as to start action instantly. Serious fires and
containing caustic alkalies is prohibited.
explosions have been avoided by prompt
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