![]() TM 9-1300-277
b. Special Protective Equipment for Chemical
This chapter covers chemical agents discussed in this
Group B Munitions. The special protective equipment
manual, Description, required safety equipment,
identified below must be readily available to personnel
symptoms, and self-aid are listed for each agent,
working in demilitarization/ disposal facilities.
Decontamination procedures are detailed in TM 3-220.
Treatment of casualties are detailed in TM 8-285, TM 3-
(1) Personal protective equipment, Personal
250, and FM 21-11. Also see TM 9-1300-206 and
protective equipment consisting of protective masks,
DARCOM-R 385-100.
coveralls, and protective gloves, sufficient in number to
a. Purposes of Storing. For purposes of storing
equip all personnel required to work with Chemical
and handling, chemical agents are divided into groups
Group B munitions, shall be centrally stored and
based on the action of the agent, the degree and type of
maintained under close supervision, Personnel shall be
hazard, and the type of protection required.
issued only service protective masks, coveralls, and
(1) Chemical Group A: Includes the highly
protective gloves. However, in addition, personnel
toxic liquid agents. Group A agents are not covered in
handling liquid acid-type chemical agents shall be
this manual,
issued and wear rubber boots, aprons, and gloves.
(2) Chemical Group B: Includes chemical
(2) First aid equipment, The following first aid
agents (gaseous, liquids, or solids) which are toxic or
equipment shall be stored in locations convenient to the
incapacitating by inhalation, ingestion or absorption
operations and shall be issued to the person in charge of
through the skin, Wearing of a suitable protective mask
personnel required to work with Chemical Group B
is required for the protection of personnel against
inhalation of vapors, particles, or smoke from burning
(a) Gas casualty first aid kit; amyl nitrite
agents, Since these agents will cause varying degrees
ampoules; and individual first aid kits.
of skin irritation, approved protective clothing (such as
(b) Stretchers or litters.
coveralls, protective masks, gloves, etc.) shall be
(c) Woolen blankets,
provided and worn. The group consists of choking
(d) A bottle containing a mixture of 4
agents, blood agents (not treated in this manual), riot
ounces of pure grain alcohol (95%) and 4 ounces of
control agents, and screening smokes.
chloroform to which has been added a few drops of
(3) Chemical Group C: Includes materials
which are spontaneously combustible (WP and PWP)
(e) A bottle of alcoholic sodium
and for which special firefighting techniques and
bicarbonate solution made by dissolving 3-1/2 ounces of
materials are required. Personnel protection will be of
sodium bicarbonate in a pint of water, and then adding a
the type that will provide protection against fire and
pint of alcohol. This solution is used to treat skin rash
heat. Toxic fumes are normally a minimal hazard.
resulting from tear agent burns,
(4) Chemical Group D: Includes signaling
(f) Saline water solution for irrigating
smokes and incendiaries (as TH, IM, NP, PTI) which are
not covered in this manual.
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