![]() TM 9-1300-275/3
3-1.5 Safing Procedures.
3-1.5.1 Look for leaks around the valves or
plugs. Tighten the valves or plugs until any leak
3-1.5.2 As an alternative, fasten a butyl end
cap (from the toxic agent patching kit) to the
end of the container.
Figure 3-4. Angle Valve.
Figure 3-2. Front Head of 1-Ton Container-Cutaway
3-1.5.3 For a leak in the container side, patch
with the toxic agent patching kit.
the container is filled with gaseous agents. The
3-1.5.4 If the leak cannot be stopped, initiate
lead alloy melts at 175F., a temperature the con-
decontamination operations and request assist-
tainer would not be subjected to unless involved
in a fire. Solid brass plugs are used for liquid
agents. These plugs blow out at 375 psi pressure.
Figure 3-5. 1-Ton Container Shipping Bonnet.
3-1.6 Suggestad Equipment.
a. Wrenches for valves and plugs on the l-ton
Figure 3-3. Needle Valve.
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