![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
(12) Insert high voltage cable lead into
(3) Unsolder wires from transmitter logic
flashtube high voltage holder (43). Aline the clearance
component assembly (72) terminals 7, 8, and 10, and tag
hole in the terminal so that it is in line with setscrew (421
for later installation of new transmitter logic component
and tighten setscrew.
(13) Install transmitter reflector assembly 1541
(4) Remove potting material from around
and elliptical reflector retainer (53) and secure with screw
connector A76J3 (12), pin A, and unsolder wire from pin
(14) Install transmitter cover assembly (40) and
(5) Remove two screws (73), two lockwashers
secure with 10 screws (38) and 10 washers (39).
(74), two washers (75) and nut-plate (76) and gently pull
(15) Purge and charge transmitter component
high voltage lead free.
assembly housing in accordance with TM 9-2350230-12.
(6) Remove two screws (77), two washers
Set final pressure to be 3.5 +0.5 psig.
(78), one screw (79), lockwasher (80), washer (81),
(16) Install optical bench assembly as
holddown clamp (82) and remove transmitter logic
instructed in paragraph 3-12 b.
component assembly A76A5 (72).
i. Replacement of Transmitter Logic Circuit Card
(7) Install a new transmitter logic component
Assembly A76A4 (see fig. 3-6).
assembly by performing steps (1) thru (6) in reverse
During installation of new transmitter logic
(1) Remove optical bench assembly as
component assembly A76A5, twist brown lead going to
described in paragraph 3-12 b).
transformer T2 of transmitter logic circuit card assembly
(2) Loosen two captive screws on screw
A76A4 with high voltage lead from A76A5. Install
looking assembly (59) and disconnect connector A4P1
protective sleeving over high voltage lead and tie in place
(60) from harness connector W1J4.
using lacing tape, MIL-T-43435. Install braid (1, table 2-
(3) Remove screw (61), two terminals (62),
two washers (63), lockwasher (64), and nut (65) from
from card A76A5, terminal 1, to connector A76J3, pin A,
transformer T2 on transmitter logic circuit card assembly
and pot with sealant, RTV 3145.
(8) Install optical bench assembly as
(4) Cut strap (66) and remove screw (67) and
instructed in paragraph 3-12 b.
clamp (68).
k. Replacement of PMT chassis Assembly ,A76A6
(5) Remove two screws (69), two washers
(see fig. 3-6).
(70), and transmitter logic circuit card assembly A76A4
(1) Remove optical bench -assembly as
described in paragraph 3-12 b).
(6) Obtain new clamp (68).
(7) Install new transmitter logic circuit card
(2) Disconnect coaxial lead A7WI (83) from
assembly by performing steps (1) thru (5) in reverse
connector J2.
(3) Loosen two captive screws in screw
(8) Install optical bench assembly as
locking assembly (84) and disconnect connector
instructed in paragraph 3-12 b.
j. Replacement of Transmitter Logic Component
(4) Remove two screws (86), two lockwashers
Assembly A76A5 (see fig. 3-6).
(87), two washers (88), and PMT chassis assembly (89)
(5) Install a new PMT chassis assembly by
(1) Remove optical bench assembly as
described in paragraph 3-12 b).
performing steps (1) thru (4) in reverse order. Seal
screws 1841 with sealant, MIL-S-22473.
(6) Reinstall optical bench assembly as
instructed in paragraph 3-12 b).
The PFN may retain high voltage
I. Replacement of Video Amplifier A76A7 (see fig.
charges from this 1200 volts
developed in the PFN charge power
(1) Remove optical bench assembly as
supply. Before proceeding use a
described in paragraph 3-12 b.
suitable shorting rod with an
(2) Loosen two captive screws on screw
insulated handle to ensure that the
locking assembly (90) and disconnect connector
PFN is fully discharged.
A76W1P2 (91).
grounding the shorting rod to the
(3) Disconnect coaxial lead A7W1 (831)from
housing, touch the rod to the high
connector J2 on PMT chassis assembly (89).
voltage terminal at the forward end of
the flashtube.
(2) Remove three screws (76A) from high
voltage terminal cover (76B), remove cover and unsolder
high voltage cable at contact.
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