a. The Maintenance Allocation Chart designates responsibility
The implementation of maintenance tasks will be consistent with the
for the performance of maintenance functions.
assigned maintenance in accordance with the following definitions:
b. Only the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform a
a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an item by com-
maintenance function is indicated.
paring its physical or mechanical characteristics with established
standards through examination.
c. A maintenance function assigned to a maintenance level will
automatically be authorized to be performed at any higher mainte-
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect incipient failure by
nance level.
measuring the mechanical characteristics of an item and comparing
those characteristics with prescribed standards.
d. A maintenance function that cannot be performed at the as-
signed level of maintenance for any reason may be evacuated to the
c. Service. Operations required periodically to keep an item in
proper operating condition.
next higher maintenance organization. Higher maintenance levels will
perform the maintenance functions of lower maintenance levels
when required or directed by the appropriate commander.
(1) Unpack. To remove from packing box for service or for
the performance of other maintenance operations.
e. The unpack and repack maintenance functions of packaging
for cartridge for each type of ammunition are specified to be per-
(2) Repack. To return item to packing box after service or
formed at the direct support levels of maintenance. This refers to un-
other maintenance operations.
packing and repacking of bulk packaging material only. Direct sup-
port is the lowest level of maintenance that will normally receive the
bulk packaging materials (lower levels use salvage cannibalization).
The unpacking and repacking of the complete round is included in
(4) Lubricate. To apply a lubricant.
the maintenance function for Cartridge (Complete Round).
TM 9-1025-212-23&P
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