TM 55-1520-238-S
i. Environmental conditions of rain and wind cause considerable difficulty in the application of the helicopter
protective covering, and should be avoided if possible. Although the preferred method of covering is outdoors, the
covering is approved for installation indoors providing the safety precautions of paragraph G3 are adhered to.
j. For planning purposes, one AH64 will require approximately 200 ft. of 14 ft. wide heat shrink film. Three
rolls of heat shrink rape, 1/2 roll of cushioning material, five plastic vents, eight pounds of propane, and 300 ft. of
polyester strapping.
k. The optimum number of personnel for the covering procedure is three per aircraft. One helicopter will
require 3 people approximately 7 hours to cover. With experience, elapsed time can be reduced to approximately 5
hours. Adverse weather conditions and/or dirty (oily) helicopters will increase the optimum number. It is highly
recommended that personnel become thoroughly familiar with the heat shrink process prior to working on a helicopter.
This can be accomplished by applying the general procedure to available objects such as boxes or crates for practice.
The below minimum safety procedures will be followed to insure a safe heat shrink operation.
a. Comply with all safety procedures outlined in applicable chapters three or four of this manual.
b. Ground the helicopter in accordance with TM 1-1520-238-23.
c. Insure that fuel tank levels are properly adjusted for shipping (maximum 3/4 capacity or 150 gallons per
tank, whichever is less). Seal fuel filler ports, vents, drains, and battery vents prior to covering the aircraft.
d. Provide fire truck and adequate fire fighting equipment on site and ready for use prior to operating the
heat cannon.
e. Insure that the helicopter exterior and the adjacent area is free of fuel and other combustibles prior to
operating the heat cannon.
f. The helicopter will be covered outdoors if environmental conditions permit. The covering procedures may
be accomplished in a hangar if the following additional procedures are adhered to:
(1) The area must be well ventilated.
(2) No other aircraft will be within 50 feet of the helicopter being covered.
(3) No other maintenance operations will be permitted in the hangar while the helicopter is being covered.
Prior to the operation of the heat cannon, the helicopter and adjacent areas will
be tested with an M6 combustible gas indicator set (or equivalent) for com-
bustible vapors. The areas to be tested on the helicopter are the fuel filler,
drain, and vent ports, the battery vents, the stub wing area, and the engine
compartments. If the indicator shows an unsafe condition, do not attempt to
apply heat shrink film.
g. Prior to the operation of the heat cannon, the helicopter and adjacent areas will be tested with an M6
combustible gas indicator set (or equivalent) for combustible vapors. The areas to be tested on the helicopter are the
fuel filler, drain, and vent ports, the battery vents, the stub wing area, and the engine compartments. If the indicator
shows an unsafe condition, do not attempt to apply heat shrink film.
h. Aircraft will be inspected for fuel leaks prior to covering. No attempt will be made to cover aircraft that are
known to have or suspected of having fuel leaks.
i. Covering on the helicopter will be applied so that large pieces of film are centered on fuel filler ports, vents,
and drains so that no joining seams are formed near potential fuel fume sources. Fuel filler ports, vents, and drains
should be padded with cushioning material to further protect from heat.
j. After the covering and shrinking process is complete, the film will be cut to allow removal of the tape seals
applied to fuel vents. Heat shrink tape will be used to reseal heat shrink film.
k. Leather safety gloves will be worn while using the heat cannon.
l. Table G2, safety checksheet, will be completed prior to the use of the heat cannon. The completed
checksheet will be attached to DA Form 2408-13.
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