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TM 55-1520-238-S
and out of rotor hub (fig. 223). Wrap re-
225.8 Remove Fairings and Access Covers.
moved items with cushioning material
(D5), secure with tape (D13) and stow in
a. Remove Main Rotor Shaft Fairings.
pilot station.
(If MWO 1-1520-238-50-50 installed refer
b. Remove Drive Shaft.
to paragraph 225.19 to remove both for-
TM 1-1520-238-23.
ward sensor LDS sensor units). Release 10
c. Disconnect and Remove Main Rotor
camloc fasteners and remove five screws
Track and Balance Cable from Mix-
at fairing (T225). Remove 16 (18 if MWO
er. Disconnect cable plug (P57) from
1-1520-238-50-50 installed) screws from
main rotor interrupter magnetic pickup,
each fairing (T205L and T205R).
then remove two clamps from mixer right
b. Remove Wing Fairings. Remove nine
side lateral link. Remove cable and plug
screws from each fairing (LW10, RW10,
from mixer. Wrap removed clamps, cable
LW11, and RW11). Place removed fairings
and plug with cushioning material (D5)
with main rotor shaft fairings.
sealed with tape (D13) and secure to air-
c. Remove Wing Access Covers. Re-
frame in main transmission area with tape
move 16 screws from each cover (LW9 and
RW9). Place removed covers with main ro-
tor shaft fairings.
d. Remove Forward Ammunition Feed
Fairings. Release 10 camloc fasteners
at each fairing (L140 and R140). Place re-
During the following procedure, heli-
moved fairings with main rotor shaft fair-
copter must be on level surface, with
landing gear in normal static condition
e. Remove Aft Ammunition Feed Fair-
(not kneeled). If helicopter is tilted, re-
ings. Remove FS 175 L & R ammunition
moved main rotor head and mast unit
feed fairings and steps.
may swing wide, causing possible in-
f. Stow  Fairings  and  Access  Cov-
jury of personnel or equipment dam-
ers. Wrap fairings and access covers re-
moved in steps a thru e above with cushion-
d. Aline Lifting Crane and Air Vehicle
ing material (D5). Secure wrapped unit
Sling. Position crane truck at left or right
with tape (D13) and stow in catwalk area.
side of helicopter. Aline crane lifting hook
g. Remove Tailboom Aft Closeout Fair-
over air vehicle sling (item 49, table 22) on
ings. Remove 21 screws from fairings
the ground. Connect crane lifting hook to
(L545 and R545). Stow removed fairings in
sling link (lifting eye).
CPG station.
e. Install Air Vehicle Sling. Hoist sling up
to main rotor head. Couple air vehicle sling
Wing trailing edges will be removed when
fittings to mating lifting clevises on the rotor
required for internal connection access on
head (fig. 223). Insert and lock sling
extendedrange  capable  helicopters.
quickrelease pins.
Trailing edges will be reinstalled to permit
f. Remove Cable Slack. Carefully operate
wing stowage. Install with 12 screws and
crane winch to remove all slack from sling
bag remaining screws.
h. (ExtendedRange Capable Helicopters
g. Disconnect Longitudinal, Lateral, and
Collective Flight Control Servoactua-
Edges. Remove 68 screws from each
tors. Remove rod endtomixer clevis
trailing edge (LW13 and RW13).
cotter pins, nuts, bolts, and washers. Dis-
225.9 Install
card cotter pins. Retain removed rod end
hardware to secure mixer clevises in ship-
225.9.1 Remove  Main  Transmission  Access
ping carrier.
Panels. Release 12 camloc fasteners at each panel
h. Support Flight Control Servoactua-
(L200 and R200).
tors. Mount actuator supports (item 56
225.10 Remove and Support Assembled Main Ro-
and 57, table 22) on top of fuselage, as
tor Head, Mast, and Mixer (Main Rotor Head and
shown (fig. 223). Connect servoactuator
Mast Unit) (fig. 223 and 224).
rod ends to supported clevises. Insert and
a. Remove Air Data Sensor and Deicing
lock the support quickrelease pins.
Standpipe. Remove drive plate cover
i. Install  Mixer  Spreader. Put  mixer
and flexible support from drive plate
spreader (item 48 table 22) in place on
(TM 1-1520-238-23). Slide standpipe up
Change 5

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