![]() TM 5-6675-250-34
Table 2-1. Troubleshooting - Continued
(4). Remove the time totalizing meter and gasket from housing cover.
(5). Install a new gasket and time totalizing meter and secure to connector housing cover with two
screws and two nuts (fig. 2-91).
(6). Connect and solder the meter wires. The wires may be reversed from the original configuration
as there is no polarity involved. Lace the wires to the body of the meter.
(7) Apply MIL-S-22473, Grade N, Form R, primer to the screw threads and allow to air dry. Apply locking sealant, Military
Specification MIL-S-46163, Grade N, Type II, to the first few threads of the screws.
(8). Install the housing cover and secure with ten screws.
c. If a part is normally installed with another part
2-5. General
and motion occurs, assemble the parts and check for
This section contains instructions for repairs which
w e a r or binding.
a r e allocated to direct support maintenance by the
d. Inspect parts adjacent to electrical components
M A C , and which have common usage in more than
f o r burns or other evidence of arcing.
one assembly. Instructions peculiar to a specific part
o r assembly are described in that paragraph.
2-9. Repair.
Unless otherwise noted in a procedural paragraph,
2-6. Disassembly
r e p a i r consists of replacing the defective part.
a. D i s c a r d s e a l s , O - r i n g s , g a s k e t s , l o c k w a s h e r s ,
a n d similar parts when removed.
2-10. Reassembly
b. Attach identifying tags to electrical leads as
a. Threaded Parts (when referenced).
d i s c o n n e c t e d to ensure correct assembly.
(1) Apply sealant primer, MIL-S-22473, Grade
N, Form R, to the threads, and allow to air dry.
2-7. Cleaning
(2) Apply a small amount of thread locking
a. Metal Parts.
sealant, MIL-S-46163, Grade N,
Type II, to
(1) Clean metal parts with trichloroethane,
the first few threads,
Federal Specification O-T-620, or equivalent solvent.
b . Electrical Leads. C o n n e c t e l e c t r i c a l l e a d s i n
(2) Use a stiff-bristle brush to assist removal of
accordance with Military Standard, MIL-S-454,
u s i n g solder, Federal Specification QQ-S-571.
(3) Dry with a clean cloth or compressed air.
c. Seals.
b. Woven Material.
(1) Using a blunt instrument, such as a cuticle
( 1 ) Soak thoroughly in a detergent solution.
s t i c k (orangewood stick), scrape the defective seal
(2) Agitate the material while immersed in the
f r o m the flange area.
(2) Clean the seal surface with a cloth moistened
(3) Use a stiff-bristle brush to assist removal of
w i t h trichloroethane, Federal Specification O-T-620,
stubborn dirt.
o r equivalent solvent.
( 4 ) Allow to air dry.
(3) Apply a continous bead of RTV sealant,
2-8. Inspection
a. Visually inspect each item for evidence of wear,
to the surface to be in contact with the seal.
c o r r o s i o n , deterioration, or other defects.
( 4 ) Press the seal into place.
b. Inspect threaded parts for stripped or crossed
(5) Wipe excess adhesive from the assembly.
2-11. General
which the SIAGL is comprised, in preparation for
The following paragraphs describe procedures for
removal and installation of major assemblies, of
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