![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
Passback Violation
The attempted misuse of the access control subsystem by "passing back" a
card from an authorized holder, so that it can be used to gain access by an
unauthorized person. The system maintains a check against passback
violation by ensuring that cards are not presented at the same reader within
a very short time and/or that the record of zones entered by holders does
not contain inconsistencies.
A word or sequence of characters entered into the Password field of the
SignOn form which is not displayed for security reasons. The password
ensures that only authorized personnel are able to access a particular
Personal Identification Number. If a PIN is included on the holder record, it
must be keyed in whenever the holder presents an access card to a reader
unit, thus providing additional protection against system violation.
An item of equipment being controlled and/or monitored by a remote station.
A general term describing an element in the system for which a value or
state is to be calculated or acquired. There are two point types (pseudo and
real) which can be used to store one of three data classes: status, analog,
or pulse accumulation.
Point Failure
The condition where a remote station has failed (or is unable) to return
readings from one or more points in response to a poll. A point failure
usually implies that a board in the remote station, used to interface the
equipment being monitored and/or controlled, has failed.
Point Summary
A display containing a list of points and their current value and/or status.
The operation of moving the cursor into the display frame in order to select
or identify information from a current display.
Pokeable Display
A primary display into which the cursor can be placed in order to identify a
station or point, or simply create a further (related) display.
A request by a master station for a remote station to return data relating to
the equipment being monitored. There are two poll types: upset poll and
data poll.
Poll for Data
A request by a poller asking a remote station to return data relating to all of
its associated points. When the data is received, it is put in the system
database. The poll is designed to ensure that the database always gives a
true reflection of the equipment being monitored. It is of particular
importance when a remote station has been powered down for maintenance
purposes. It also serves to test the communications bearer(s), since the
remote station concerned is expected to reply. Due to the amount of data
that can be returned by a remote station, this poll takes longer to complete
than a poll for upsets.
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