![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
A complete or partial drawing, consisting of one or more elements, such as
text, lines, rectangles, circles. or triangles, which can be configured to move
or change color to indicate the value and/or state of an item of monitored
equipment. Once created, an object can be copied as often as required into
any number of system mimics. It can, therefore, represent different points in
the same mimic, or different points in different mimics.
Off Normal
The condition where a point is not considered to be in its normal state.
Old Version Record
The master copy of the engineering table records which maintains the "last
saved" version of the working copy and can be reloaded to restore the
database to its original state, if changes have been introduced which
produced unforeseen effects.
Operating Aperture
The time that elapses between the system issuing a control to an item of
equipment and the expected status change being detected. If the specified
time elapses, the item of equipment is considered to have failed.
Operator Mode
The mode of operation a workstation is said to be in when an operator has
logged in.
Operator Profile Record
A record within the reconfiguration program used to tailor the system to suit
the needs of an individual operator.
Operator Utilities
The program downloaded to the workstation when an operator logs in,
providing facilities for the monitoring and control of remote equipment.
Operator Environment
The mode of operation in which a workstation is said to be when an
operator has logged in to the ICIDS system.
Operator Workstation
A workstation which is being used to run the operator utilities program.
Optical Fiber
A medium for the transmission of data using light signals.
The condition where the value of an analog point exceeds its normal
maximum value, indicating that a fault has occurred in the telemetry system.
The fault is usually connected with a transducer.
An alternative term for "Overband".
Parity Check
The technique where the number of set (that is, "1 ") bits in a character code
is used to determine the validity of data. There are two parity check
methods: odd parity and even parity. In odd parity each character code is
represented by an odd number of "1" bits and any code found to contain an
even number is considered invalid. In even parity the number of "1" bits
must be even and codes containing an odd number are rejected. Whenever
it is necessary, it is possible for additional bits to be added to the code by
the transmitting device to ensure the number of "1" bits conforms to the type
of parity check chosen.
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