![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
To tie the pictures received from a camera so that they are displayed on one
monitor only. Cameras may be locked by any logged-in operator.
Logging Off
The concluding procedure undertaken at a workstation to return to the BTOS
SignOn form.
Logging On
Completing the BTOS SignOn form to gain entry to the operator or
reconfiguration environment.
Magnetic Stripe
An access card type, holding a 6 digit code, which is assigned by the
system, and a card number of up to 6 digits.
The condition where a remote station has been polled (see Polling) a
number of times, but has not always responded. The marginal condition is
considered to exist when the ratio of unsuccessful to successful attempts by
the master station to acquire a remote station's data exceeds a designated
Master Copy
The copy of the engineering table records which maintains the "last saved"
version of the working copy.
Master Station
A combination of hardware and software installed within a control center to
provide the necessary SCADA facilities.
A list of command options from which a selection can be made.
A display containing a mixture of graphics and text showing items of plant in
diagrammatic form and/or timed archived data on a line graph or bar chart.
A brief "memory jogging" description of a point, consisting of up to three
parts: a prefix, numeric, and suffix.
In the CCTV subsystem, indicates a screen on which views from cameras
are shown to operators.
Monitor Sequence
A succession of views from a camera, each held for a specified period,
displayed on a specified monitor. The sequence can be run as a continuous
cycle, halted at the operator's command.
The operation of inserting a floppy disk into a disk drive.
Multi-line Poller
Describes the configuration where a poller communicates with stations by up
to ten channels. The channels are divided into pairs, one of which is
connected to the primary bearer, the other to the secondary bearer.
The interconnection of a number of computers or computer terminals.
Non-Acquired Data
Data archived by a remote station and returned to the master station
independently of current data states and/or values.
NRZI Encoding
Non-Return to Zero Inverted. Indicates a type of data encoding which can be
used where synchronous transmission of data is employed.
The second part of a point mnemonic which identifies a point by a number in
the range 1-9999.
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