![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
Poll for Upsets
A request by a poller asking a remote station to return details of those points
whose values and/or states have changed since it was last polled. Details
which are returned by the remote station include the current values and/or
states of points concerned, and are entered into the system database. The
poll usually occurs more frequently than a data poll and takes less time to
complete. It is designed to enable changes in plant status to be reported
quickly to the master station, and serves as a test of the remote station's
bearer(s). The remote station is expected to reply to the poll.
An item of software in the cluster master responsible for polling a designated
range of remote stations. Up to ten can be employed at each master station.
Any kind of entry (for example, door, turnstile, etc.) into a security zone.
Portals are the only usual means of access into security zones and can be
used only by authorized card holders.
The first part of a point mnemonic, consisting of up to four alphanumeric
A pre-defined scene which can be selected for display on a monitor using
the CCTV command.
Primary Access Level
The default access level used when secondary and temporary access levels
are not in force.
Primary Bearer
The bearer which is normally used by a master station to receive data from
a remote station.
Primary Display
A display which when created becomes a link in a chain. Primary displays
include: off-normal, alarm queue summary, and picture displays, reports,
procedures, and records.
Private Wire
A circuit used for data transmission, hired by subscribers for their exclusive
and permanent use.
A set of conventions to ensure the compatibility of data exchange between
two computers.
Pseudo Control
A field on the status point record indicating that the point is a pseudo-point
used exclusively for control purposes.
Pseudo Data
A field on a point record indicating that the point is a pseudo-point.
Pseudo Point
A point whose state and/or value is evaluated by computing the values
and/or states of other points (either other pseudo points or real points),
rather than being acquired.
Pseudo Point Process
The process used to evaluate a pseudo point's state and/or value.
Pseudo Station
A station used for "Housekeeping Purposes"; its point states and/or values
are derived from pseudo processes, rather than being acquired from the
remote station network.
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