TM 5-6350-275-10
d. EXTEND TIME. Extend time is additional time the system will allow a user to have access to a zone before
reporting an alarm to the Operator Work Station. Enter data as follows:
(1) Use the [DELETE] key to remove the current value.
(2) Enter time in the range of 0 to 60 minutes, for example, 5.
Figure 2-66. Alarmed Area Access Report
f. REPORT. You can print an Alarmed Area Access report by pressing the F4 [REPORT] key. Figure 2-66 is an
example of this report.
g. SAVING. Press the [GO] key to save the record and press [FINISH] to exit. Notify the System Administrator of
your changes so that he or she can review, approve, and download changes.
Figure 2-67. Zone Users
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